BBC weather: Britain braced for ICE WARNING and coldest night of the week

BBC weather: UK set for travel chaos as yellow weather warning issued (Image: BBC)

BBC weather forecasts an ice warning for Monday as commuters and travellers should be wary of the Met Office’s yellow ice warning.

BBC Weather: Sudden cold snap heads for UK

BBC meteorologist Stav Danaos predicted that temperatures will dip towards freezing and wintry showers could be expected. He said: “Outbreaks of rain across more western areas now but in some cloud breaks in more eastern areas we did see some cloud breaks. It will stay pretty cloudy with further pulses of rain breezy conditions across England and Wales where it will be mild but further north it will turn chilly again.


“Certainly across Scotland a risk of ice here as temperatures dip towards freezing.

“Some of the showers wintry across the Scottish mountains.”

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for Monday in large areas of Scotland.

Icy stretches later in the night and into Monday morning rush hour.

The Met Office warns: “Some injuries might result from falls on icy surfaces


Probably some ice on untreated roads, pavements and cycle paths, increasing the likelihood of accidents.”

BBC meteorologist Ben Rich claimed Europe was set for a big contrast as eastern Europe freezes and western parts struggle with rainfall.

He said: “Big weather contrast across Europe at the moment, we can see some areas shivering in cold air, further west much milder but much more unsettled.

“A lot of clouds still piling in from the Atlantic, this cloud really pipe lining its way in towards western and central parts of France some heavy rain here that rain transferring into southern Germany as we go through Monday.

UK weather: Blustery winds and scattered showers set for UK

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“That rain combined with some very strong and gusty winds could well cause some travel disruption maybe even flooding.”

On Sunday afternoon, the north-south split for temperatures continues, reaching around 14 degrees in the south, whilst hovering in the single digits further north.

Met Office meteorologist Luke Miall said there Office be “cold feel to things” in these areas.

He added: “Through Sunday evening we continue to see these blustery showers easing their way eastwards, some hail mixed in at times too.

“Further outbreaks of showery rain across Scotland could give some hill snow for a time.”

It starts dry on Monday morning, which some sunshine first thing, but wet weather will creep in again in the south.

Mr Miall added: “Again, a north-south split in our weather, often unsettled, but a much brighter and better day to come across much of northern England and Northern Ireland and Scotland - just a few coastal showers, otherwise plenty of sunshine.

"And again, those temperatures still seeing that north-south split, the coldest across the north, the mildest in the south and that theme really does continue as we head into Tuesday."