You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the hidden ticket in under 45 seconds

Brainteasers are a great way to stimulate the mind and give the brain some fun exercise whilst contributing to neurological health.

Only those with 20/20 vision can spot the hidden ticket in under 45 seconds (Image: SeatPick)

The Champions League final and the possibility of glory for either German leviathans Bayern Munich or Spanish giants Real Madrid is nearly here. On the first day of June, one of these teams will walk away with a trophy whilst the other will walk away with some medals.


Fans and companies around the world will mark the clash of these two footballing titans in any number of ways from working out how many goals will be scored to gathering together with friends to talk about who will reign victorious.

To mark the upcoming game, SeatPick has created a brainteaser in which the aim is to spot the hidden ticket in under 45 seconds. In the graphic above, a series of players in blue and red are vying for footballs as a referee stands in the middle of the melee.

The key to solving this brainteaser is to carefully scan the image from left to right and top to bottom to make sure you don’t miss the ticket.

The answer to the brainteaser circled in yellow (Image: SeatPick)

Did you spot the ticket? No worries if not, it can be seen above in the middle of the bottom of the brainteaser, just by the right foot of one of the players in red as they try and kick the ball.

This brain puzzle is what is known as an observational brainteaser, one where the user is given a busy image which has within it an anomaly or object they have to spot. As well as observational brainteasers there are two other types which are commonly used.

These are analytical and mathematical brainteasers. Analytical brainteasers pose a written riddle to the user which they have to solve as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, mathematical brainteasers come in the form of complex mathematical puzzles and equations that require the player to use different parts of their brain to work out the answer.

What all types of brainteasers have in common is that they promote neurological stimulation in a fun and engaging way.

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In the same way, running, cycling or swimming helps exercise the arms and legs, brainteasers help exercise the mind, potentially contributing to brain health.

The healthier the brain the less likely someone could be to develop dementia. This doesn’t mean brainteasers will stop someone from developing dementia, other factors such as diet can have a much bigger impact, but they could help keep someone’s mind sharper for longer.

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