'GOD'S MESSENGER' Rocky Mountains 'recluse' claims to be prophet - with new announcement


Marshall Vian Summers, who is gaining supporters across the globe, claims to have a message from God

A MAN who lives a life of near solitude in the Rocky Mountains claims to to be a modern prophet who speaks on behalf of God.

Rocky Mountains recluse claims to be prophet of God

Marshall Vian Summers, 68, is behind The New Message From God (TNMFG) movement, which says it speaks on behalf of God to people of all religions.

He claims to be a "solitary man who rarely speaks to the media" but has "spent decades relaying revelations from an angelic presence" known as the Angelic Assembly and warning of big changes and difficult times ahead.

And Mr Summers says he has a ‘New Message’ delivered to him over 35 years.

His TNMFG website says: "He (Mr Summers) has walked a long and arduous journey to receive God’s New Message and bring it to you and to all who can receive it. 

"He is a humble man, sent into the world for this purpose, to be the Messenger for the New Message from God.

"Never before has the risk of war, religious conflict, catastrophic climate change and human suffering been more dire. 


"And yet at no other time has the opportunity for world unity and global cooperation been greater." 

On the website, Mr Summers then cryptically hints at what the message is about.

In an online interview, he said: "It was revealed to me by the Angels of God, a powerful, mysterious presence that filled my mind and the surrounding environment with grace. 

"The New Message was given to me by the Angels of the Creator. It is a New Revelation for humanity. I was instructed to make this claim.”

According to the website, "the message" is still being received by Mr Summers, and he will need many supporters to get it across.

It is not clear from a series of hard to follow explanations of the message on the website exactly what it will be.

It says: "The New Message does not have a political agenda. It is here to inspire right action and the recognition and the necessity of cooperation in the face of real change and events in the world. 

"It will teach you how to listen, and to learn what God wants you to do in your life, and what is meant for you and where your true strengths and success lie—beyond all the persuasions and deceptions of the world.

"People will not believe it. They will think it is impossible. God gave all God’s Revelations so long ago. It is in the sacred texts. 


The website of The New Message From God Society.

"Many people will not be able to accept that God has spoken again, that there is a New Revelation in the world—as if they could assume to know the mind and will of God, as if they could insist that they knew God’s Plan and God’s truth for themselves. 

"For humanity is facing a new set of circumstances that it has never faced before, and a new revelation has been given to prepare humanity, to warn humanity and to strengthen humanity so it may unite in the face of the great waves of change."

He makes it clear no one else has been selected to give God's message, adding: “I was selected and then I became prepared.

“Though many people are being called to help me, I am the only one.”

He said: "I am imperfect, yet that which I represent is perfect. It is beyond human invention and manipulation. It is a gift from the Creator to a struggling humanity.”

Mr Summers claims to have had contact with angels.

He said: "It is unlike anything else in the world. Words cannot describe it.”

But he describes carrying out God's work as a great burden.

He said: "I have been given this task and I, through Knowledge within me, have recognised it and accepted it. 

"Yet the responsibility to bring this new testament into the world has been immense. It has been a great burden for me.


MESSAGE: Marshall Vian Summers has been hearing the message for 30 years, he claims.
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It was revealed to me by the Angels of God, a powerful, mysterious presence that filled my mind and the surrounding environment with grace.

Marshall Vian Summers

"Many people will not be able to accept that God has spoken again, that there is a New Revelation in the world—as if they could assume to know the mind and will of God, as if they could insist that they knew God’s Plan and God’s truth for themselves. 

"For humanity is facing a new set of circumstances that it has never faced before, and a new revelation has been given to prepare humanity, to warn humanity and to strengthen humanity so it may unite in the face of the great waves of change."

He makes it clear no one else has been selected to give God's message, adding: “I was selected and then I became prepared.

“Though many people are being called to help me, I am the only one.”

He said: "I am imperfect, yet that which I represent is perfect. It is beyond human invention and manipulation. It is a gift from the Creator to a struggling humanity.”

Mr Summers claims to have had contact with angels.

He said: "It is unlike anything else in the world. Words cannot describe it.”

But he describes carrying out God's work as a great burden.

He said: "I have been given this task and I, through Knowledge within me, have recognised it and accepted it. 

"Yet the responsibility to bring this new testament into the world has been immense. It has been a great burden for me.


SUPPORT: PR for the messanger is carried out by his son, Reed Summers (pictured).

"It is different because it is about the reality of life and spirituality in the Greater Community (universe) and because it represents knowledge and wisdom beyond what humanity has established so far.

"No, I am not a God. I am a man who was chosen to do this, and it has been very difficult for me. 

"And because I have to deal with so much doubt and suspicion and avoidance and denial from others, it is still difficult for me. 

"But I must present the New Message from God because I know it to be true. I have seen it. It has been shown to me.”

Mr Summers's new message has more than 230,000 Facebook followers from 102 countries.

The 21 books he has written about the message have been translated into 25 languages.

He is aided by his son Reed Summers who handles PR for the movement.

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Mr Summers junior also runs his own blog which describes how he heard his reclusive father communicating with God.

In 2012 post entitled “Witnessing the Revelation”, he said aged 10, he heard a strange voice from his father’s room.

His mother, Patricia said his father was “conferring with a great teacher”.

The blog said "day after day" they would find Marshall locked away "recording divine directives" or “deeply tired and very disoriented”. 

The movement has met with some cynicism, amid claims it is making money through donations, and there is a cult-like feel to it.

Rick Ross, executive director of the Cult Education Institute, said: "Doomsday predictions can often be convenient points of leverage and control for cult leaders.

“That is, creating unreasonable fears about the future and then offering themselves and their message as the only genuine protection and/or single source of certain safety for their followers.

"Prophets like Summers are commonplace, and there seems to be a new one popping up weekly.” 

Commentator Addison Nugent wrote on Ozy.com: "Whether Summers is peddling doom and disaster to further his own interests is hard to say. 

"He sits at the helm of a tax-exempt nonprofit called the Society, which received donations last year tallying more than a quarter of a million dollars. 

"But because the New Message is considered a religious organisation, it is not legally required to disclose its financials, so what information is available is based on its own calculations. 

"Anyone who logs on to the New Message website, however, will be struck by the number of ways visitors are invited to join the worldwide community — by making a one-time gift, monthly “Pillar” donations or charitable bequests from your will (bitcoin also accepted)."

Reed Summers said: “We’re a 90 percent donation-driven organisation.

"Why you might see ‘donate’ everywhere is because we offer almost everything for free.”