EU ON ALERT: Italy rebels send Brussels warning: ‘Rome will go ahead with reforms’

ITALY’S populist government continues its rebellion against the European Union with deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio issuing a thinly-veiled warning to Brussels ahead of the first meeting to discuss the country’s Budget for 2019.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Luigi Di Maio tells EU: Get to know us before you judge us

The leader of anti-establishment party Five Star Movement (M5S) let the EU know Italy will go ahead with its planned reforms - despite concerns from Brussels.

Mr Di Maio announced on Tuesday senior government officials will meet on Wednesday to start talks on next year’s Budget, which will have to gather the funds necessary to pay for the hefty measures the government swore to approve.

When asked how the government will proceed with its announced financial measures, Mr Di Maio said: “We have in mind an ambitious Budget law.

“There is no need to cut our links to the EU, but we will have to have an effective and sincere dialogue to be able to obtain some things we deemed vital. 

There is no need to cut our links to the EU, but we will have to have an effective and sincere dialogue to be able to obtain some things we deemed vital

Luigi Di Maio

“We have two emergencies in Italy, the flat tax, which needs to be done, and the level of poverty.

"Five million people are living in a situation of extreme hardship.”

This warning to the EU follows yesterday’s statement from Mr Di Maio, who said once again the government will give priority to Italians’ need than Brussels’ desires.

Speaking to reporters, he said the cabinet will apply European Union fiscal rules only if they did not impede its reform agenda. 

eu news italy luigi di maio budget five star movement european union flat tax

Luigi Di Maio warned Brussels saying Italy will go-ahead with its fiscal reforms (Image: GETTY)

Because of their costs, the EU has has been skeptical of these reforms since they had been announced during the electoral campaign. 

Just four days after the March 4 election, months before the parties would find a coalition agreement, Brussels warned Italy had to be “responsible”.

The vice-president of the European Commission, Valois Dombrovskis, said on March 8: “It is important to remain on track with a responsible fiscal law, especially for Italy, which has the second-highest public debt in the Union. 

eu news italy luigi di maio budget five star movement european union flat tax

Luigi Di Maio is the leader of the Five Star Movement and deputy Prime Minister (Image: GETTY)

“It is important not to create negative expectation on the markets.

“The Commission has been very clear on which expectations it has on the Italian deficit, there is the need to show a 0.3 percent effort this year.”

The flat tax, which imposes the same tax percentage on all individuals regardless of income, would cost Italy some £44.81bn (€50bn), while the basic income, which according to the Italian government would help fighting poverty, could amount to some £31.37bn (€35bn).   

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