EU migrant crisis: Boat docks on busy Spanish beach - dozens run onto shore

A BOAT carrying dozens of migrants took holidaymakers by surprise by landing on a popular Spanish beach before dozens of young men ran onto shore - the second similar incident taking place in just two days.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Spain: African migrants shock beachgoers as they run ashore

A video recorded by one holidaymaker shows the small boat approaching the shore, carrying at least two dozen people.

Reaching the beach, the migrants quickly jumped out of the boat and rushed across the sands, seemingly to evade local authorities.

Despite the speed at which events unfold, beachgoers had the time to cheer at the migrants, wish them luck and ask them if they were okay.

The footage also shows a man who seems to be approaching the crowd to offer them a bottle of water. 

The people on the boat, who appears to be mostly young men, landed on the beach of Fontanilla, in Conil de la Frontera, in the southern Spanish province of Cadiz in the region of Andalusia on Tuesday.

It is unclear how many people were on the boat and where the boat had come from.

But local media reported that authorities arrested them shortly after the video was taken, including 13 minors.

The landing took place two days after a semi-inflatable carrying around 50 people touched on a beach just a few miles north of Fontanilla. 

EU migrant crisis: Migrants landing on a Spanish beach

EU migrant crisis: Migrants surprised holidaymakers by landing on a Spanish beach (Image: CEN)

The migrants were filmed by beach-goers on Sunday while running onto the beach and attempting to scale the nearby cliffs.

According to local police, 25 Moroccan citizens had been arrested, including 19 minors.

A police spokesman disclosed the fate of the six adults who had been detained, saying they would be taken to an adult migrant holding centre before being returned to their country of origin as part of an agreement with Morocco.

At least 500 people have landed on the coasts of Andalusia, southern Spain, over the weekend, according to local media. 

EU migrant crisis: Migrants jumping off the boat

EU migrant crisis: The boat was carrying dozens of people (Image: CEN)

EU migrant crisis: A man appears to offer the migrants a bottle of water

EU migrant crisis: A man appears to offer the migrants a bottle of water (Image: CEN)

Spain has become the European country receiving most migrants in 2018, overtaking both Italy and Greece, figures from the United Nations’ International Organisation for Migration show.

The number of asylum seekers arriving by sea to the Spanish coasts between January and July 25 has reached 20,992, while Italy counted 18,130 and Greece 15,528.

This comes as Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini promised the country to clamp down on illegal immigration by closing the country’s harbours to boats carrying migrants.

His decision first sparked a row between the European Union and the Italian government in June, when Mr Salvini left stranded at sea for five days 630 people, including pregnant women and children. 

EU migrant crisis: People running on to shores

EU migrant crisis: The migrants arrived on a beach just a few miles north of Fontanilla (Image: CEN)

Spain’s government then decided to allow the ship carrying them, the Aquarius, a rescue boat operated by SOS Méditerranée and Médecins Sans Frontières, to dock in Valencia.

But , the new leader of the Popular Party, who attacked the country’s socialist government for his immigration policies, arguing they would attract more immigrants.

He said: “It is not possible that there are papers for all, nor is it sustainable that a welfare sate can absorb millions of Africans who want to come to Europe and we have to say it, even though it is politically incorrect.

“We are sincere and responsible about immigration.” 

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