World War 3: US Navy's secret mission in South China Sea show of FORCE to scare China

DONALD Trump is flexing his muscles in the Pacific, with his defence ministry drawing up a series of military exercises expected to be seen by China as a provocation, as tensions escalate between Beijing and Washington.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

South China Sea: Beijing claims US ship ‘threatened security’

The US Navy drafted a plan recommending the US Pacific Fleet to conduct a series of operations near ’s territorial waters, several US defence officials revealed.

Officials said the goal is to carry out a set of exercises involving US warships, combat aircraft and troops during a single week in November to show the US is ready to face enemies on several fronts, according to CNN.

The military exercise is expected to take place in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

Despite officials saying there is no intention to engage in combat with the Chinese, the American fleet would operate very closely to Chinese military forces if the US defence decided to follow through with the proposal. 

The exercises will be seen as a provocation by Beijing, something the US officials said they acknowledge.

They added the intelligence community would have to weigh in with any concerns about reactions from China before the operations can receive the go-ahead.

However, Lt. Col. David Eastburn, a Pentagon spokesman, refused to comment on the proposal.

He said: "As the secretary of defence has said on countless occasions, we don't comment on future operations of any kind.” 

Donald Trump and Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping and Donald Trump (Image: GETTY)

Tensions in the South China Sea reached a new high earlier this week, when a Chinese warship nearly collided with a US destroyer.

In the US Navy’s latest attempt to state its right of "freedom of navigation" in the area, the USS Decatur was sailing past the Gaven and Johnson reefs in the disputed Spratly Islands, claimed by both China and the US.

But , which came within 45 yards (41 metres) of the US vessel, a distance that could have easily led to a collision.

The Pentagon branded the event an “unsafe” encounter. 

Taiping island, part of the Spratlys chains claimed by China

Taiping island, part of the Spratlys chains claimed by China (Image: GETTY)

World War 3 US Navy south china sea military exercise

A Chinese warship nearly collided with a US destroyer earlier this week (Image: GETTY)

Relations between the two superpowers have deteriorated since Mr launched a trade war against Beijing in March.

Issuing hefty import tariffs, the US President halted the flow of imports between the two countries and dealt a hard blow to China’s economy.

The last set of tariffs were issued last month and hit $200bn worth of Chinese goods.

The row between Beijing and Washington worsened when Mr Trump accused China of meddling with the upcoming US midterm elections in a bid to decrease his chance to retain a majority in the House of Representatives.

Last week, the Chinese government cancelled a port visit to Hong Kong by the USS Wasp, a US Navy amphibious assault ship and US Secretary of Defense James Mattis has pulled out of a planned visit to Beijing that should have taken place this month, according to two US officials.    

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