Jamal Khashoggi death: Turkey says CCTV shows 'Saudi Arabia using BODY DOUBLE in murder'

A SAUDI intelligence officer wore a fake beard and journalist Jamal Khashoggi's clothes and glasses on the day the man disappeared, shocking CCTV footage appears to show.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Saudi Foreign Minister: 'Determined' to uncover Khashoggi truth

CCTV images uncovered by American press show a man dressed as the dead journalist leaving the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, , and walking around the city on October 2.

Mr Khashoggi, 59, went missing on that same day after entering the kingdom’s office.

The Saudi regime, which initially had even attempted to deny the death of the journalist, a fierce critic of the Saudi Crown Prince, officially admitted on October 20 he died inside its consulate on October 20.

The Saudi officer has been named Mustafa al-Madani, the CNN revealed, and was seen also walking around in Mr Khashoggi’s clothes the city's Blue Mosque, a particularly populated area of Istanbul. 

A number of theories concerning Mr Khashoggi’s disappearance were formulated over the last weeks.

After Saudi officials on October 17 branded “baseless” claims made by Turkey that Mr Khashoggi was killed in the consulate, they finally conceded he had died after being involved in a fight inside the building.

Hours later, a Saudi source told the news agency a team of 15 people was involved in the killing.

The unnamed official claimed the Saudi nationals were sent to confront Mr Khashoggi. They are said to have threatened him with being drugged and kidnapped and then killed him in a chokehold when he resisted. 

Jamal Khashoggi death Turkey Saudi Arabia murder

Jamal Khashoggi death: Mr Khashoggi's 'body double' is pictured leaving Turkey's Saudi consulate (Image: GETTY/CNN)

Mr al-Madani, the journalist double body, is believed to have been part of this group, which is wanted for questioning by Turkish police officers.

The claim the Saudi journalist was killed in a fight was shrugged off by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government.

Yasin Aktay, an adviser to Mr Erdogan in his AK Party and close friend to the dead journalist, said: “One cannot help but wonder how there could have been a 'fistfight' between 15 young expert fighters and a 60-year-old Khashoggi, alone and defenceless.

"It explains no aspect of the incident according to all the information reached - on the contrary, it leads to even more questions.” 

Jamal Khashoggi death: The journalist pictured entering the Saudi consulate on October 2

Jamal Khashoggi death: The journalist pictured entering the Saudi consulate in Turkey on October 2 (Image: REUTERS)

Jamal Khashoggi death

Jamal Khashoggi death: The door of the Saudi consulate in Turkey (Image: GETTY)

The kingdom admitted only on Sunday there was a direct correlation between its officials and the journalist’s death - but denied any involvement of the government. 

Foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir said that while he did not know exactly how Mr Khashoggi had died, his killing was a "rogue operation" in which Saudi individuals had exceeded their authority.

He said: "They made the mistake when they killed Jamal Khashoggi in the consulate and they tried to cover up for it.” 

Jamal Khashoggi death

Jamal Khashoggi death: The death of the journalist sparked outrage across the world (Image: GETTY)

Multiple media reports in Turkey have given another, more gruesome, version of the killing, claiming the Saudi team accosted Mr Khashoggi in the building, cut off his fingers, killed and dismembered the 59-year-old writer.

The death of the journalist created a major international backlash, with both the UK and the US taking distance from the kingdom.

UK trade secretary Liam Fox and US treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin boycotted the Future Investment Initiative (FII) conference in Riyadh.

And Saudi Arabia’s stock dropped by four percent in less than 20 days.   

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