US orders citizens to leave Iraq ‘AS SOON AS POSSIBLE’ - warning issued as visas SUSPENDED

WASHINGTON urged US Government employees to leave Iraq "as soon as possible" and warned normal visa services will be "temporarily suspended", raising fears an attack from Iran may be "imminent".

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Iran: Footage shows military allegedly 'hacking' US drones

Washington has issued a shocking order today to US Government employees in Iraq as it urged them to immediately leave the Middle Eastern country. Issuing a statement in the early hours of May 15, the US Government told "non-emergency Government employees" in Iraq to "depart by commercial transportation as soon as possible". 

And, referring to the US consulate in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan region, it added: "Normal visa services at both posts will be temporarily suspended. 

"The US Government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in Iraq." 

A US State Department spokesman said the decision to withdraw non-emergency staff was based on a security assessment, but would not give details on how many personnel were leaving.

He said: "Ensuring the safety of U.S. government personnel and citizens is our highest priority and we are confident in the Iraqi security services' ability to protect us.


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Donald Trump has ordered citizens to leave Iraq 'as soon as possible' (Image: EXPRESS)

"But this threat is serious and we want to reduce the risk of harm."

This comes after the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, paid a surprise visit to Iraq's capital city, Baghdad, earlier this month.  

During his trip to Iraq, Mr Pompeo warned Iranian forces were “escalating their activity” and Iraq was facing an "imminent" threat. 

As he met with Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, Mr Pompeo voiced his worries for the safety of the many US citizens working in Iraq. 

Following the meeting, he told reporters: “We talked to them about the importance of Iraq ensuring that it’s able to adequately protect Americans in their country."  

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Mike Pompeo and Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi (Image: GETTY)

Another warning signalling a possible upcoming threat came on Sunday, when the US embassy advised its citizens to avoid travel to the country, citing "heightened tensions".   

And two Iraqi security sources claimed intel gathered by US intelligence forces showed Iran-backed Shi’ite militias positioning rockets near bases housing US forces in Iraq. 

A senior Iraqi military source with knowledge of Mr Pompeo’s trip said: “The message from the Americans was clear. 

"They wanted guarantees that Iraq would stop those groups threatening US interests.   

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Jeremy Hunt and Mike Pompeo (Image: GETTY)

USA news iraq warning visas suspended

Washington has sent additional military forces to the Middle East, including a B-52 bomber (Image: GETTY)

“They said if the US were attacked on Iraqi soil, it would take action to defend itself without coordinating with Baghdad.”  

The second Iraqi security source said: “Communications intercepted by the Americans showed some militia groups redeployed to take up suspicious positions, which the Americans considered provocations.” 

He said the Iraqis were told that any threat from the groups “would be dealt with directly by the Americans with force.”

Washington has already sent additional military forces to the Middle East, including an aircraft carrier, B-52 bombers and Patriot missiles in a show of force against what US officials have said is a threat to its troops and interests in the region. 

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