‘NEVER threaten an Iranian’ Iran in furious response to Donald Trump’s ‘genocidal taunts’

Iran in furious response to Donald Trump’s ‘genocidal taunts’ (Image: GETTY)

IRAN has hit out at Donald Trump after the US President said war would be the “end” of the country, following the middle-eastern nation's threats to resume uranium enrichment programmes.

Iran: Tensions with US at a ‘dangerous point’ says expert

Iran’s foreign minister said “economic terrorism” and “genocidal taunts” won’t ‘end Iran’. Mohammad Javad Zarif said: "Goaded by #B-Team, @realdonaldTrump hopes to achieve what Alexander (the Great), Genghis (Khan) & other aggressors failed to do. “Iranians have stood tall for millennia while aggressors all gone.


“#EconomicTerrorism & genocidal taunts won't "end Iran". “#NeverThreatenAnIranian. Try respect-it works!"

The US deployed warships and jets to the Gulf over the last few days as tensions rise in the Middle East.

The war of words come after Iran threatened to resume uranium enrichment programmes, which had been halted after the nuclear deal was reached between the US, the UK and a number of other countries in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

After Mr Trump withdrew the US from the agreement and imposed sanctions, tensions have risen.

Iran has reportedly put missiles on boats in the Gulf and US investigators said they believed Iran had damaged four tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates.


Donald Trump said yesterday: "If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran.

Mr Zariff (Image: GETTY)
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"Never threaten the United States again!"

But on Saturday Iran's foreign Mr Zarif insisted the country had no desire to go to war.

He told state news agency Irna: "There will not be a war since neither we want a war nor does anyone have the illusion they can confront Iran in the region."

On Monday he dismissed Mr Trump's tweet, saying the president "hopes to achieve what Alexander [the Great], Genghis [Khan] & other aggressors failed to do."

The latest news follows months of strict sanctions against Iran after President Trump dismantled the Iran Nuclear agreement.

The crippling sanctions included price hikes and the banning of Iranian crude oil exports, which make up a large supply of the world's oil stocks.

Jeremy Hunt said the resolve of the US should "not be underestimated" (Image: GETTY)

But on Monday, following the ensuing war of words, UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt warned Iran not to underestimate the resolve of the United States.

Speaking at the World Helth Assembly in Geneva, Mr Hunt said if American interests were attacked then the administration of President Donald Trump would retaliate.

"I would say to the  them: Do not underestimate the resolve on the U.S. side.

"They don't want a war with Iran. But if American interests are attacked, they will retaliate. And that is something that theians needs to think about very, very carefully."