Falklands fury: Argentina accused of 'twisting history' with provocative flag ceremony

ARGENTINA is "twisting history" by staging a ceremony marking the 200th anniversary of the raising of its flag on the Falkland Islands, the Government of the British Overseas Territory has said.

By Ciaran McGrath, Senior News Reporter

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And a Government spokesman said coincidentally this month also marked another anniversary - one which effectively drew a line under the South American country's sovereignty claim. President has ordered the event as part of a concerted strategy aimed at advancing his country's claim on the .

November 6 marks the anniversary of the day on which David Jewett, the sailor whom Argentina claims was the commander of its navy at the time, first raised the flag on the islands.

However, the spokesman said Mr Fernandez was simply using the occasion for political purposes.

They said: "The Falkland Islands Government notes the Government of Argentina’s latest attempt to twist history in favour of their claim over our sovereignty.

Alberto Fernandez

Alberto Fernandez has been accused of "twisting history" (Image: GETTY)

Daniel Filmus

Daniel Filmus, Argentina's Secretary for Matters Relating to the Falkland Islands (Image: GETTY)

"By marking the raising of their flag in the Falkland Islands, they only highlight the flaws in their interpretation of the history of our home."

They added: "Our own flag commemorates the first sighting of the Falkland Islands by the crew of the English ship Desire, commanded by Captain John Davis, in 1592.

"This ship is also referenced in our Islands’ motto ‘Desire the Right’ which reflects the spirit of our culture, which is founded on democracy and fairness."

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Alberto Fernandez

Alberto Fernandez, Argentina's President (Image: GETTY)

November is a significant month in the history of the Falkland Islands, because on 24 November 1849, the Convention of Settlement was signed by the British and Argentine governments.

The spokesman explained: "This peace treaty effectively resolved all disputes between both countries, stating: ‘Under this Convention perfect friendship between Her Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of the Confederation, is restored to its former state of good understanding and cordiality’.

"Following this, successive Argentine Presidents no longer referred to any dispute concerning Falkland Islands sovereignty in their annual address to Congress.

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British soldiers Falklands

British soldiers in the Falklands in 1982 (Image: GETTY)


The Falkland Islands are in the South Atlantic (Image: GETTY)

"The next time it was mentioned was by Juan Peron in 1941, prior to first becoming President in 1946, and almost 100 years after the dispute was settled."

The spokesman added: "Whichever parliamentary bills the current Government of Argentina chooses to pass in an attempt to advance their claim over the Falkland Islands, none can rewrite or overwrite the evidence of history.

"We remain a diverse, resilient and peaceful community that has prospered over time, thanks to the pioneering efforts of the people who travelled here from across the globe to make this special place their home.

Falklands factfile

Falklands factfile (Image: Express)

"We are not a supplanted population, but one built on the hard work of the migrants who came to our shores.

"We are not an isolated enclave at the tip of South America.

"But a strong, self-determined democracy unequivocally clear about our identity and the flag that represents us."


The Falkland Islands are a British overseas territory (Image: GETTY)

The Falkland Islands were the subject of a brief but bloody war after Argentina invaded in 1982.

Speaking earlier this week, Daniel Filmus, Argentina's Secretary for Matters Relating to the Falkland Islands, told reporters: "Two hundred years after our country's takeover of the Malvinas, the National Council will meet for the first time that same day in the afternoon.

"Friday is going to be a historic day in which the Council will begin to debate state policies and medium and long-term strategies on the Malvinas issue, not tied to electoral calendars."

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