Obama has new plan to jolt economy

Barack Obama has set out fresh plans to reinvigorate the US economy, focusing on incentives to small businesses and recruitment to bring down what he called the "staggering" 10% unemployment rate.

Barack Obama outlines new plan to jolt US economy. [PA]

President Obama called for perhaps £92.6 billion or more in new government spending, using money left over from a financial rescue plan - the Troubled Asset Relief Programme - towards the small business community for investment and hiring.

He said more funds also would be sought from other sources for infrastructure improvements and rebates to consumers who made their homes more energy efficient.

Mr Obama has stepped up attention on America's high unemployment rate after spending much of the last few months focused mostly on health care and the war in Afghanistan. The state of the economy - and the jobless rate in particular - could be the key issue in determining whether Democrats preserve their majorities in both chambers of Congress in next November's mid-term elections.

Mr Obama hopes his revamped plan will dramatically improve the fortunes of millions of US families that have lost not only jobs, but also huge portions of retirement savings and, in many cases, seen their homes repossessed.

"Our work is far from done. For even though we have reduced the deluge of job losses to a relative trickle, we are not yet creating jobs at a pace to help all those families who have been swept up in the flood," the president said.

"There are more than seven million fewer Americans with jobs today than when this recession began. That's a staggering figure... ."

The US economy appears to be on the mend after the deepest downturn since at least the Second World War, but unemployment - which was slightly improved in November but still standing at 10% - and scarce credit for small businesses have left the electorate in a sour mood.

That could magnify the historic tendency of US voters to cast their ballot against members of Congress of the president's party in the first national balloting after a change in the White House.

And, hoping to blunt the political fears of fellow Democrats and the deep economic anxiety of the US public, Mr Obama sounded a call to optimism that harked back to President Roosevelt's leadership during the Great Depression. "These have been a tough two years. And there will no doubt be difficult months ahead, but the storms of the past are receding. The skies are brightening. And the horizon is beckoning once more."

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