Taliban Terror: Civilians snatched from homes during horror execution in Afghanistan

Taliban Horror: Civilians snatched from homes during horror execution in Afghanistan. (Image: Getty)

DOZENS of civilians in Kandahar were snatched from their homes and reportedly executed as the Taliban continue their search for Government officials.

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The Taliban are said to have dragged civilians from their homes as they conduct house-to-house searches in Kandahar. Nazar Mohammad, a famous Afghanistani comedian, was among the dozens allegedly killed by the militant terror group.


Images were released showing Mohammad, who had served as a local police officer in the province, being executed.

The first showed the comedian backed up against a tree and the second depicted Mohammad on the ground with his throat slashed.

Mr Mohammad’s family accuse the Taliban of his murder.

However, the Jihadist group has denied any involvement.

It has been estimated that around 100 people have been killed in the province in the past two weeks.


Another 300 are reported missing.

The carnage in Kandahar could see the Taliban take control of the city.

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The carnage in Kandahar could see the Taliban take control of the city. (Image: Getty)
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The violent campaign, which has seen more than ten provincial cities come under siege, followed the announcement that the US would start pulling troops out of Afghanistan.

In response to the Taliban’s actions, the US has launched several airstrikes but American officials have insisted there is “no change in policy”.

The US Defence Secretary, Lloyd Austin, even said that Afghan forces need to regroup and defend critical checkpoints in order to hold off the Taliban.

Kandahar had been seen as the Taliban’s birthplace, following their strong support in the city during the 1990s.

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The US Defence Secretary said Afghan forces need to regroup and defend critical checkpoints. (Image: Getty)

Kandahar had been seen as the Taliban’s birthplace, following their strong support in the city during the 1990s.

As the Taliban continue to make in-roads into Afghanistan’s second largest city, thousands of families have marched northwards to Kabul or tried to find safety at makeshift refugee camps.

Zainab, a mother of three from the city, said: “Some managed to flee but many are still trapped in the fighting. We lived in the city centre but fled for Kabul. I cannot contact friends and relatives. I don’t know if they are alive or dead.”

Official estimates suggest more than 150,000 civilians have been displaced in the southern Kandahar region.