Five key ways you can help Ukraine as Kyiv under attack - Donate clothes, money, food

UKRAINE is under attack from Russia, with hundreds of casualties and damage to several towns and cities. Brits may be wondering how they can help, so here are five ways.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Ukraine: Germany’s military offer is ‘too late’ says Prystaiko

attack on has shocked the world and sparked widespread condemnation. With updates on Ukrainians fleeing the country, damage to towns and cities and the progression of the Russian army - many have been wondering how they can help. There are several things Britons can do to offer support to Ukraine, from supporting charities to sharing factual information. Here are five key ways you can help Ukraine.

1. Donate to charity

As the war continues, charities supporting Ukraine have been helping those injured, displaced and funding the military. Here are a few charities aiding Ukraine

British-Ukrainian Aid

British-Ukrainian Aid is a charity that helps those injured or displaced by the conflict.

The charity has started an appeal to raise £20,000 for medical supplies.

It wrote on JustGiving: “The injured and wounded, orphaned children, the elderly, and internal refugees urgently need your help! With your support we hope to raise £20,000 towards medical aid.”

Sunflower of Peace

One charity helping paramedics and doctors is Sunflower of Peace.

The money it raises goes towards supplies including first aid medical tactical backpacks.

Read More: Ukrainians using British weapons to cut Russians off

Ukraine protest

Five key ways you can help Ukraine (Image: GETTY)

Russia damage

Russia's attack on Ukraine has shocked the world and sparked widespread condemnation (Image: GETTY)

United Help Ukraine

United Help Ukraine aims to supply medical and humanitarian aid, as well as giving a voice to the conflict.

Voices of Children

Focused in eastern Ukraine, Voices of Children provides art therapy, psychologists, video storytelling and more to children impacted by the war.

The British Red Cross

The British Red Cross are helping to provide food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes and shelter to those affected by the war.

Children displaced ukraine

Charities supporting Ukraine have been helping those injured, displaced and funding the military (Image: GETTY)

2. Support the #HelpUkraine Emergency Appeal

Set up by the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB), the #HelpUkraine appeal aims to raise funds for accredited and registered Ukrainian charities.

The appeal aims to supply charities with medicine, food and vital services.

Money will also go towards blankets, hygiene packs and trauma counselling.


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Ukraine crisis

The Ukraine Crisis Media Center (UCMC) has warned 'Disinformation is a part of Russian war.' (Image: GETTY)

3. Support local journalism

Disinformation is rife during conflict, so supporting trusted local news sources is key.

Some examples of English-language news outlets include:

4. Write to your MP

British citizens can write to their local MP to stress their concerns and request further sanctions be placed on Russia.

To find your local MP's contact details you can visit

5. Share factual information

The Ukraine Crisis Media Center (UCMC) has warned “Disinformation is a part of Russian war."

The UCMC monitors Russian disinformation and asks anyone reading about the ongoing conflict to "look for reliable and fact-checked news.”

The UCMC added: “Share as much fact-based information about Russian aggression as you can. Do not post any information about the movement of Ukraine’s armed forces.

"Reach out to your representatives in… Parliament and urge them to support sanctions against the Russian Federation.

“Boycott Russian goods and services [to avoid supporting] aggressor’s economy.”

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