'Quite intentional': Russia on brink of sparking war with UK with attempt to down RAF jet

The Defence Secretary has revealed that a Russian fighter jet recently "released a missile" in the vicinity of an RAF aircraft over the Black Sea.

Russia 'intentionally' fired missiles at RAF fighter jet says expert

Retired air Vice-Marshall Sean Bell said the incident was "intentional" by Russia and could have sparked a NATO response. Speaking to Sky News, Mr Bell said: "The incident that occured on September 29, and it was only announced by Ben Wallace yesterday. The Su-27, one of the Russian aircraft, fired a missile in close proximity to an RAF plane.

"The target was an RC-135 aeroplane, it's the eyes and ears over the battlefield.

"It's a surveillance aeroplane with a crew of about 30.

"On the day it was operating over the Black Sea, it was operating in international airspace, it was unarmed and it was on a flight plan.

"Quite regularly on these flights, these aircraft are shadowed by Russian aircraft who are either intimidating them or just watching what is going on.

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Retired air Vice-Marshall Sean Bell said the incident was "intentional" by Russia (Image: GETTY/SKY)

Russia news

Russia and also could have provoked NATO to provide a response (Image: GETTY)

"For about 90 minutes on the day they did that the Russians then departed, once they were out of sight that's when the incident occurred.

"The Russians claim this was a technical malfunction, you don't launch missiles as a technical malfunction.

"This was quite an intentional act. What is also the case is the Russians are intensely frustrated at the West's use of air and space power to support Ukraine.

"If they had managed to shoot this down it would have been a massive coup for Russia and also could have provoked NATO to provide a response which of course would suit Putin's agenda."

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Mr Wallace told the Commons the incident occurred in "international airspace over the Black Sea" on September 29.

He added that an "unarmed RAF RC-135 Rivet Joint" - a spy plane - was "interacted with" by two Russian SU-27s, one of which "released a missile in the vicinity of the RAF Rivet Joint beyond visual range".

The Commons heard that the Russians blamed the incident on a "technical malfunction".

In a statement updating MPs on the war in Ukraine, Mr Wallace said: "I would also like to share with the House details of a recent incident which occurred in international airspace over the Black Sea.


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Russia Ukraine military imbalance

Russia Ukraine military imbalance (Image: EXPRESS)

"On September 29 an unarmed RAF RC-135 Rivet Joint, a civilian-style aircraft, on routine patrol over the Black Sea was interacted with by two Russian armed SU-27 fighter aircraft. It is not unusual for aircraft to be shadowed and this day was no different.

"During that interaction, however, it transpired that one of the SU-27 aircraft released a missile in the vicinity of the RAF Rivet Joint beyond visual range.

"The total time of the interaction between the Russian aircraft and the Rivet Joint was approximately 90 minutes.

"The patrol completed and the aircraft returned to base."

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