The beautiful seaside town once loved by A-listers which is now a haven for 'dark tourism'

EXCLUSIVE: Known around the world for its sandy beaches and clear sea, Varosha went from being a star-studded holiday destination to a ghost town now sought after for dark tourism.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Varosha: Inside the abandoned resort in Northern Cyprus

Few places in the world can claim to have been favoured by both Hollywood actors such as Elizabeth Taylor and thrill seekers under very different circumstances.

Varosha, the southern quarter of the city of Famagusta, saw its fate change rapidly on July 20 1974 after the Turkish army invaded the northern part of Cyprus in response to an attempted coup sponsored by the Greek junta that happened five days prior.

The soldiers' arrival prompted 180,000 Greek Cypriots to flee Cyprus’ northern third, including 15,000 Varosha residents, who had to leave behind most of their possession and properties.

Tens of thousands of Turkish nationals relocated on the invaded part of the island to create Northern Cyprus - a country recognised only by Ankara.

Varosha, after having hosted thousands of tourists, remained an abandoned ghost town, frozen in time and cordoned off by the military.

A building in ruin behind barbed wire

Varosha is currently part of Northern Cyprus (Image: GETTY)

A sign warning people not to traspass

Many areas in Varosha are still off limits (Image: GETTY)

The neighbourhood has since been used as a bargaining chip, Hubert Faustmann, a professor of history and international relations at the University of Nicosia, said.

He told "Varosha was intended from the beginning as a bargaining chip. It was actually offered three times during the negotiations by the Turkish Cypriot side for various concessions, the most common is that they wanted the opening of the Famagusta port, but also of the Ercan airport for international traffic."

Varosha is the territory the Greek Cypriots expect to be returned, should a deal with Northern Cyprus ever be successful.

In 2020, the northern administration decided to reopen parts of the Varosha to tourists for the first time in four decades.

Travel restrictions had previously been eased in 2003, when former residents had been allowed to peer into the forgotten resort - but not to repossess their homes.

A person cycling in front of an abandoned building

No former resident has been allowed to return to Varosha to date (Image: GETTY)

But the tourists attracted by the reopening of Varosha were neither the Hollywood stars seeking a luxurious experience between its sky-scraping hotels and glamorous shopping districts nor simple beachgoers attracted by the blue waters.

The neighbourhood now tops the charts of dark tourism destinations - a specific tourism involving travelling to places historically associated with death and tragedy.

Professor Faustmann said: "The section found itself in the top tourist sites in terms of dark tourism, so they started to open up certain parts of Varosha, and it's now a tourist destination with guided tours, with e-bikes, vehicles and coffee shops.

"Varosha is being used as a tourist destination, as a tourist attraction, without a single inhabitant prior to 1974 returning. It's changed in the sense that it's open to the public, but it's not open for return."

People going to Varosha today still enjoy its splendid waters, but also face looted stores, ruined buildings, boarded-up homes and several fenced areas where entrance remains forbidden.

A decaying building

Many buildings are in ruins in Varosha (Image: GETTY)

Construction workers have been tidying up the area ahead of the arrival of tourists by laying cement, removing debris and roping off edifices sealed from public view, while mobile canteens and tables, umbrellas and chairs have popped up to provide service to visitors.

But these works would not be enough to allow a full-scale reopening of the quarter not just to tourists but also to residents, Professor Faustmann noted.

The opening of parts of Varosha, which two United Nations' resolutions stated decades ago should be returned to its former residents-turned-refugees, to tourists angered many Greek Cypriots.

Among those who used to live in the quarter, 53-year-old Costantinides previously told the Independent: "There’s tremendous anger about what has happened here. Turkey has committed a huge crime. Today, we’re living the same crime again.

He added: "It’s as if they’re performing an autopsy and tourists are coming to witness it. It’s a shame, a shame for humanity."

Tourists on a beach in Varosha

Varosha was famous in the 1970s for its sandy beach (Image: GETTY)

After partially reopening Varosha to tourism, Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar also invited Greek Cypriots to return and reclaim their homes - but only to live under the Northern Cyprus administration rather than in a united Cyprus, as ruled by the UN.

Professor Faustmann said: "The official line is that they're supposed to return, but there are huge logistical problems including that the entire infrastructure has to be rebuilt from the sewage system to electricity. And that's not been done."

The expert believes the Turkish side is playing a tactical game, knowing it's moving against UN resolutions.

So, Mr Tatar may move "step by step and see what the international response is", the professor explained, adding that if the UN and the international community don't hit back against Northern Cyprus' breaches in a tough way, something they haven't done so far, the administration may "proceed to the next step".

He continued: "In the long run, it depends if they want to keep it as a tourist site, or if they want to try to get back in the Greek Cypriot community, and allow Greek Cypriots to return."

Abandoned buildings near the seaside in Varosha

The northern part of Cyprus was invaded by the Turkish army in 1974 (Image: GETTY)

A further challenge for Greek Cypriots wanting to return to Varosha has been recently posed by a Muslim religious foundation, Evak, which has claimed to be the sole owner of the area.

This claim has been backed up by the organisation with documents dating back to 1571, when the Ottoman Empire conquered the island.

The future of Varosha is far from being clear, as conceded by Professor Faustmann who recently visited Varosha twice.

He said: "Do [Northern Cyprus] consider it as a dark tourism highlight that needs to be developed further? Or, given the reopening, do they allow the return and selling of the properties to investors, which is probably much more profitable?

"What we can see is that they opened up further areas, they prepare to open up further areas but they have not made any moves towards infrastructure in terms of sewage system and electricity, which would allow the return of Greek Cypriots."

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