Carradine widow sues film company

David Carradine's widow has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against a French company handling the actor's last film, claiming it failed to provide proper protection.

David Carradine's widow filed a wrongful death lawsuit against a French film company [PA]

The lawsuit is against MK2 SA, a French company responsible for the production of the movie Stretch.

Lawyers claim the company promised to provide Carradine the best amenities and an assistant to help him navigate Bangkok but left him behind for dinner the night before the actor was found dead.

"Defendants were negligent in failing to follow industry standard and provide David Carradine, the performer, with sufficient assistant during the course of filming Stretch in Bangkok, Thailand," the lawsuit said.

Carradine, star of the popular Kung Fu television series and films such as Kill Bill, had been in the city for three days. The lawsuit also claims Carradine's widow Anne has run into difficulties collecting on an insurance policy that MK2 was required to have for the actor.

Carradine, 72, was found hanging naked last June in a suite at a luxury Bangkok hotel. The lawsuit does not offer any additional details about Carradine's death. Thai authorities have never released the results of their investigation.

The lawsuit claims Carradine's assistant and other film staffers left the actor behind for dinner after failing to reach him in his hotel room. He called the assistant an hour later but was told the group was across town and he would have to make his own arrangements that evening.

The lawsuit does not specify how much Anne Carradine is seeking.

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