The tourist hotspot bucking the trend as it is inundated with Brits despite scorching heat

EXCLUSIVE: The spells of extreme heat experienced in many European holiday destinations this year have raised fears tourists may look for milder climates when choosing their next holidays.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Tourists on a beach in Benidorm

Benidorm continues to welcome tourists while adapting to the weather's new normal (Image: GETTY)

This summer has seen blistering heat rip through Europe, with Spain experiencing scorching temperatures for weeks on end.

Anyone who is unable to tolerate a mercury of more than 40C could be forgiven for swerving the country as it battles extreme humidity. But the seaside resort of Benidorm - on the famed province of Alicante - is actually adapting to its new normal.

While many traders in summer holiday hotspots fear tourists may, in the future, opt for destinations with milder climates where their health and experience won't be at risk, the Spanish city in the Valencia region continues to attract international visitors in their droves.

The issue of climate change is one that will undoubtedly continue for many summers to come, and Benidorm is tackling it head on.

Jorge Marín from Visit Benidorm Tourism Foundation told it has a series of measures already in place to make areas cooler, and to provide more shade.

He said: "Benidorm has lowered the temperature by up to 4C in several parts of the city due to changes that have been made.

Tourists on a beach in Benidorm

Benidorm is in the Valencia region (Image: GETTY)

'We've still had pre-pandemic numbers of tourists'

"Green areas have been increased from 350,000 m2 to two million m2, trees have been planted in 10,000 units.

"Vertical gardens have been created in several points of the city, park and ride facilities [have been created] to avoid the massive circulation of vehicles in the city centre as well as improvements [were made] in asphalt and paving that generate a drop in temperature."

He added urban planning has made it possible for Benidorm to have areas in the shade where tourists and locals alike can find solace from the sun and heat.

Mr Marín also said: "We also have help from the private sector with all kinds of water activities that make it easier to fight the heat. I would also like to highlight the cultural offer - such as museums with air conditioning inside - and the Mediterranean diet, both of which are ideal for this summer." 

The foundation representative described Benidorm as a resort still buzzing with tourists - many of whom are from the UK. 

He said: "Even down 8 percent, we have achieved the same pre-pandemic ratios, with an overall occupancy rate of 90 percent, of which more than 40 percent is British."

Tourists on a beach in Benidorm

Spain has been experiencing extremely hot weather this summer (Image: GETTY-STOCK)

And the UK tourists appear to be particularly loyal to Benidorm, as Mr Marín added: "10 years ago, British tourists came with their children and now they also come with their grandchildren.

"For us, it is a pleasure to have this type of people here, and we continue to improve in order to generate an incredible experience so that they will want to come back and visit us again." 

Benidorm and the climates of the future

Local authorities in Benidorm launched in April last year the Climate Change Adaptation Plan - a roadmap aimed at increasing the city's resilience against climate change - and some of its progressive measures have already been implemented, as noted by Mr Marín. 

But given its position in the Mediterranean, primed for hot and sunny weather, Benidorm remains a city prone to "spells of extreme heat", Tracy Ann Essex from advice service BenidormSeriously, noted.

This week, Spain's weather agency AEMET warned a new wave of heat would hit the southern area of the country, where Benidorm is located, with maximum temperatures possibly reaching a sweltering 42C.

Sun umbrellas and beach towels laid out and seen from above

British tourists continue to love Benidorm (Image: GETTY)

'Our tourists are looking for assured warm weather'

Mid-week, AEMET also issued red warnings in the region for extremely high temperatures, and Benidorm experienced very hot and humid weather with highs in the mid-35C - which paired with humidity felt like 41C, BenidormSeriously reported.

But Ms Essex argued the heat is not a deterrent for tourists who head to Benidorm, as they are likely looking for assured warm weather not to get their beach holidays spoilt by rain or cold.  

She told "If you spoke to any tourist here right now, I don’t believe any of them would use the word 'harsh' when soaking in a pool with a cocktail in hand." Local businesses, she added, "expect" hot summers.

Ms Essex believes many British tourists don't visit Benidorm at the peak of its heat in July and August, favouring instead months when temperatures are milder. Spaniards, on the other hand, "flock" to Benidorm during the hottest months.

Nevertheless, she said: "The climate in Britian dictates that people like to escape the weather at least once each year. This year’s heatwave has been effective throughout all of Europe, but next year could be different.

"I believe tourists look for destinations where they are 'almost' guaranteed the sun. There are many destinations that fit that description - which will be the hottest next year is a lottery.

"Local authorities can only provide facilities and information to ensure tourists enjoy a safe trouble-free holiday. Benidorm does that just as well as any other destination."

When facing extreme heat, tourists and locals alike are urged to stay in the shade during the hottest hours of the day, remain hydrated, wear comfortable clothes and use sunscreen.

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