Was Prigozhin already dead? Mystery over Wagner plane crash bodies’ ‘missing heads’

EXCLUSIVE: An unnamed source has claimed that "several" of the bodies discovered lack heads, adding an eerie and perplexing layer to the incident.

By Alessandra Scotto di Santolo, World News Reporter

Wagner Group mercenary cries at shrine for Yevgeny Prigozhin

An alleged investigator who was present at the scene of the plane crash involving Wagner Group's chief Prigozhin has leaked distressing information about the state of the corpses found at the crash site.


The unnamed source claimed that "several" of the bodies discovered lacked heads.

Video footage captured shortly after the crash depicts a scene of chaos and devastation, with emergency responders and authorities on site attempting to manage the aftermath.

The leaked details, if confirmed, could potentially signal a deliberate act or even a sinister element in the tragedy.

Official authorities have not yet commented on the leaked information.

Prigozhin is presumed dead in the plane crash (Image: Getty)

In a note sent to Express.co.uk, Dr Yuri Felshtinsky, professor at Boston University and also author of Blowing up Russia: Terror from Within with Alexander Litvinenko, said: "Assuming that Prigozhin was on the Embraer private jet that crashed, will his body ever be found?

"As with all FSB operations, there is an enormous amount of confusion and misinformation. But a few things stand out. Taking down a plane in the heart Russia smacks of desperation rather than authority.

"If Putin and Kremlin were truly in charge, Prigozhin would have vanished into thin air like Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, or indeed, the founder of The Wagner Group Dmitry Utkin who as far as we know hasn't been seen alive since 2016.

"Yet, like a bad penny, Utkin suddenly appears dead together on the same plane with his chum Prigozhin in a miracle stroke of luck. It is unlikely that Prigozhin is still alive, but, equally it is unlikely that any of the disinformation coming Russia is reliable.

"It is likely meant to distract us with endless speculation about Prigozhin rather than consider Putin's role in Russia."


Commenting on the reports claiming Prigozhin could have been killed before boarding the plane, Dr Felshtinsky added: "The simple fact is that, at this moment in time, all we have are pictures of an aeroplane in flames, of apparently unidentifiable bodies, a list of 10 names including Prigozhin’s, and a message from a Russian official that Prigozhin’s plane went down.

"They may well all be connected. But who knows. When dealing with the Russian government, often things are not as they seem at first sight. After the march on Moscow, the Kremlin won’t want more egg on their face, however. It does seem clear that Prigozhin himself is not going to come back to tell the tale."

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