Passengers scream and 'fear for their lives' as plane battles horror Mallorca storm

Passengers feared for their lives as the jet was battered by strong winds as it travelled from Spain to the holiday island.

Passengers scream as Majorca flight abandoned due to storm

Terrifying footage shows passengers screaming on board a plane battered by strong winds as it flew through a storm en route to Mallorca.


Passengers cling to their seats as the aircraft shakes violently in the video posted on Instagram by dancer and acrobat Estela Orts.

Heavy rain and strong winds of speeds up to 75mph swept across the Balearic Islands and north east Spain on Sunday (August 27).

Ms Orts, who performs in Magaluf's famous Pirate Show, wrote on Instagram that she felt born again after the ordeal.

A screenshot from a video shot inside the plane as it is buffeted by strong winds (Image: Instagram / estelaorts)

She wrote: "Now I am calmer... TODAY I WAS BORN AGAIN. I hope the pilot of the plane reads this: THANK YOU, thank you for what you did today, you didn't have to apologise to us, the minutes felt like forever but in the end it was just a scare.

"It was the first time in my life that it has ever crossed my mind to think that THIS IS IT."

Ms Orts explained she was returning to Majorca on board a delayed flight from Alicante after visiting family.

She wrote the take off had felt "strange" but normal and that her family was already "a bit scared" having seen footage of the storm on the news.


Another screenshot from inside the plane (Image: Instagram / estelaorts )

Ms Orts told her Instagram followers: "[Then] IT HAPPENED. The plane started to fall. People and children screaming, being sick, I couldn't help crying. I don't know how long that moment lasted but it felt eternal.

"Until the pilot managed to stabilise the plane, it was like a roller coaster. Nobody said anything over the loudspeaker about what was happening, even when it was stabilised.

"Some time passed and the pilot explained why he didn't speak and it seems logical to me why: 130km/h CROSS WINDS."

She said the crew tried to land the jet but couldn't and had to fly twice around the island as it was "impossible to descend".

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This screenshot appears to show a fellow passenger smiling during the ordeal (Image: Instagram / estelaorts )

Ms Orts added: "[S]uddenly we stopped seeing the island and started to climb. The pilot decided that the best option was to return to Alicante."

She wrote that the plane took off at 10.30am and landed at 12.36pm on a flight which she said usually lasts 40 minutes.

The performer is currently back in Alicante and waiting for a flight to Majorca on Monday afternoon, according to the Majorca Daily Bulletin.

Meanwhile, separate footage shows a P&O cruise ship buffeted by the storm.

A spokesperson for the line said P&O Cruises Britannia was involved in a "weather-related incident" while alongside in Palma de Mallorca.

They said a small number of people sustained minor injuries and were being cared for by the onboard medical centre.

Britannia is 330 metres long and weighs 143,000 tons, according to P&O's website.

It has an operating capacity totalling 3,647 guests and has a 1,350-strong crew.