Horror as Israeli women tortured to death 'found naked with hands tied behind back'

WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT - More than 1,400 people were killed by Hamas during their rampage on October 7, which included an assault on villages near the Gaza Strip and air strikes on Tel Aviv.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

A home in Be'eri destroyed during the attack by Hamas

A home in Be'eri destroyed during the attack by Hamas (Image: GETTY)

Hamas killed with newfound brutality during its unprecedented attack on Israel.

As they continue to recover the bodies of the hundreds of people massacred by the terror group earlier this month, emergency response workers discover the horrors suffered by the victims.

In kibbutzim such as Kfar Aza and Be'eri, the militants took their time to kill civilians - with many bodies, including those of several children, found tied up, burnt or with signs showing torture.

Yossi Landau, the leader of a recovery team left stunned by Hamas' unprecedented brutality, told Sky News: "We saw women with no clothes and hands tied to the back."

Explaining how his team members have been able to learn about the tragedy that unfolded in the Israeli villages by looking at the injuries on the bodies of the victims, he continued: "We saw families... over here in this kibbutz I saw families with hands tied to the back, sitting parents and children, sitting one against the other, tortured.

View of a bedroom in Be'eri kibbutz

Hamas militants took their time to kill civilians in the kibbutzim (Image: GETTY)

"We could see the bodies were telling the stories. You know they can't talk but they were telling us their stories, they were crying together with us."

The latest victim to have been found in Kfar Aza was beheaded, Mr Landau said.

In these two kibbutzim alone, Mr Landau said recovery team members have found 280 bodies, 80 per cent of whom showed signs of torture.

An interior view of one of the homes destroyed during the attack by Hamas

Hamas killed more than 1,400 people during its attack earlier this month (Image: GETTY)

Text messages previously published by the BBC that had been sent in a group chat including mums in Be'eri showed how those living in the kibbutzim attacked by Hamas sustained an hours-long assault, with militants going from home to home to terrorise, attack and kill civilians.

Many managed to save their lives by hiding in safe rooms in their houses, built to protect civilians from rocket attacks rather than a similar massacre.

More than 1,400 people have been killed by Hamas - with militants also attacking the Supernova music festival.

There, the terrorists gunned down hundreds of young people and threw grenades at hiding spots including bins and bushes.

Hamas terrorists didn't stop at killing and wounding civilians but also took several dozen people as hostages.

On October 16, Israel said at least 199 people had been captured and taken into the Gaza Strip by Hamas. Around 10 British nationals are believed to be among them.

The terror group claimed last week a number of hostages have remained killed in Israel's retaliatory air strikes on Gaza.

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