'I've banned my nephew from coming to Christmas at my house because he is a little thief'

One family is facing a Christmas filled with tensions as one of its young members has been accused of stealing from relatives.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

A boy crying in front of a Christmas present

Adam (not pictured) has been accused of stealing from his relatives (Image: GETTY-STOCK)

Christmas is, for many, a day of joy during which families gather, exchange presents and let their hair down.

But one disgruntled relative has decided to ban their 13-year-old nephew Adam from their home on December 25 after accusing the teenager of having sticky fingers.

The mother of the child, however, defended the boy, saying whenever he is found with items that are not his that he had made a "mistake".

After being confronted about the Christmas ban decision by their mother and sister - who is the mum of the teen - this puzzled internet user took to Reddit, a social media platform where many share their experiences and ask for advice.

Providing background for fellow Redditors to better understand the situation, the internet user wrote: "On Thanksgiving, my daughter lost her AirPods. We found my AirPods and they were at my sister’s house in my nephew Adam's bedroom.

People sharing presents

The Reddit user said they won't host Christmas at their home this year (Image: GETTY-STOCK)

"He claims it was a 'mistake' and he thought they were his. But when we got them back the AirPods were still in the pink doughnut carrying clip that my daughter uses.

"Adam has had a lot of 'mistakes' over the years, from taking gaming controllers, AirPods, toys that he randomly finds. This has been an ongoing issue and I think at 13 it’s time for Adam to stop making these mistakes. I told my sister Adam isn’t welcome at my home for Christmas because he has made mistakes there and has stolen other people’s things."

Asking for an opinion on the forum "Am I The A**hole", this internet user added they don't think they are being "mean" by keeping Adam away from their home to avoid the risk of things disappearing.

They added: "I’m sick of the little thief who has no consequences and I don’t want him in my home anymore. Because of this, my mom is now hosting Christmas because I don’t want to. I made it clear to my family why.

"I think it’s past the time we address Adam’s issue. My mother and sister think I’m going about this the wrong way and I’m being way too mean on Adam over a little mistake but I’m honestly just sick of being around him."

The internet user's children may have some fun taken away from their Christmas Day as the Redditor is adopting a few measures to safeguard their expensive presents.

They explained: "I had to tell my kids not to take any expensive or new gifts they like to grandma’s. I have also told them no sharing with Adam and any gifts we unwrap at grandma’s goes straight to the car and locked in.

"The situation p***** me off because I now feel like I have to punish my kids for Adam’s behaviour and they can’t play with their own things on Christmas and be vigilant because their cousin steals and no one but me seems to give two sh**s about how wrong that is."

The majority of Redditors agreed with the poster they are not "the A**hole" in this situation.

Rather, one believes the poster is "entitled" to ban Adam from their home, educate their children on how to protect their belongings and warn about possible consequences if they fail to do so.

Another wrote: "If something continues to happen over and over, is not a mistake. Your sister needs to get a hold of this situation immediately. He is 13, which is old enough to know you do not take things that do not belong to you."

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