Couple leave viewers furious as they make ‘beautiful’ home ‘look like McDonald’s’

The couple received several comments from internet users saying they dislike their home renovation.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

McDonald's Same Store Sales Up 7.1 Percent In January

The YouTuber's interior design choices were compared to Maccies (Image: Getty)

An internet-famous couple has been accused of turning their house into a "modern McDonald's" after they shared the result of their home renovation online.

Since the rise of internet personalities and influencers in recent years, home renovations have become a major topic of conversation on the web.

People are now keen to take to social media and share with internet users how they have changed their home decor and provide pictures showing how their residence was before and after the renovation.

Sometimes, however, putting online the result of renovation works may bring upon the posters criticism from people who do not like the result achieved.

This has been the case for YouTuber Brendan Fallis, whose pictures showing his home renovation posted in November 2023 are still a topic of online discussion.

Mr Fallis took to photo-sharing platform Instagram to publish a video showing how his and his wife's New York apartment has been changed to meet their taste.

In its first few seconds, the clip shows an old-style and slightly messy kitchen located next to a massive living room featuring huge bookshelves, white furniture and a big arch and columns.

The video then cuts to showcase the new style Mr Fallis and his wife have chosen to adopt for their apartment.

The new living room features a decisively more contemporary look, with black pieces of furniture. The columns and arch were removed, and a modern chandelier replaced then as centrepiece of the room.

The kitchen has been given a more sleek look, with modern cabinets, a massive island dominating the room and a stone cooker.

But the renovation didn't seem to please many of Mr Fallis' Instagram followers.

One pointed comment left by user 'crystaleeeeee_' read: "The kitchen needed an update but you’ve ruined the common area, it looked so beautiful, now it looks like a modern McDonald’s."

Others agreed tearing down the columns and arch destroyed the "character" of the living room. Instagram user 'eri.scarlet.pendragon' said: "I think the kitchen update is nice, but the original living room had soooo much character and was so beautiful, and the update makes it look so sterile and boring. Such a shame."

Another, 'yussrakhann', added: "What a waste of classy architecture."

Mr Fallis didn't appear to take notice of this criticism, and a few days after the renovation video he published another, longer clip in which he proudly showed off his home to another internet personality, Caleb Simpson.

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