US launches fresh Tomahawk missile attack as Houthis vow to strike back

Vessels have been warned to steer clear of areas around Yemen in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

By Ciaran McGrath, Senior News Reporter, Tim McNulty

Yemen strikes: UK and US launch strike against Houthis

The US carried out an airstrike with Tomahawk missiles on another Houthi-controlled site in in the early hours of this morning which it claims is putting commercial vessels in the Red Sea at risk.

One loud explosion was heard in Sanaa, Yemen’s capital, a day after the US and the UK launched raids on at least 16 targets against the Iran-allied .

The first day of strikes Friday hit 28 locations and struck more than 60 targets. However, the US determined the additional location, a radar site, still presented a threat to maritime traffic, one official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

President had warned Friday that the Houthis could face further strikes.

The latest strike came after the US Navy on Friday warned American-flagged vessels to steer clear of areas around Yemen in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden for the next 72 hours after the initial airstrikes. The warning came as Yemen’s Houthis vowed fierce retaliation, further raising the prospect of a wider conflict in the region already beset by Israel's war in Gaza.



The US and UK also struck multiple targets in Yemen on Friday (Image: NC)

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps in warning to Iran

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has issued a strong statement to Iran, urging them to utilise their power and persuade their allies to "cease and desist" in response to the combined military attacks conducted by the UK and US against Houthi rebels in Yemen. Shapps stressed that the world is "running out of patience" with Iran's destabilising activities in the Middle East.

Andrew Neil warns world faces 'grim axis of evil' over Iran as he pinpoints 'sad truth'

Andrew Neil has called on the West to strengthen its resolve and to reduce the unrest in the Middle East. His intervention comes after the US and UK launched military operations against the military bases of the Houthi rebels in retaliation for their attacks on ships in the Red Sea.Mr Neil wrote in the Daily Mail: "A grim axis of evil in the making if ever there was one. Yet America and its allies sit idly by, twiddling their thumbs."

Tanker carrying Russian oil targeted by Houthis says British maritime security company

According to a British maritime security company, Houthi fighters have fired a missile 90 nautical miles southeast of Aden, targeting a Russian oil tanker. The missile did land in the water close to the tanker, according to UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), and there have been no reports of damage or casualties.

Expert identifies two major flashpoints which could spark massive Middle East escalation

A Senior Research Fellow for Middle East Security Studies at the International Security Studies department at RUSI has warned the Israeli military action in the West Bank and Lebanon both have the potential to escalate the ongoing conflict.Dr Tobias Borck told "In my mind, there are two flashpoints. One is on the Israeli-Lebanese border. What has been pretty clear that Hezbollah does not want a war right now.

"They haven't immediately responded with lots of force after the assassination of al-Arouri so it does not want a war."But the problem is, Israel's argument, and you hear Israeli government officials making this point, is that for the Israelis to go back to their towns in the north requires Hezbollah to pull back north of the Litani River, which is about 20 miles from the border and then that becomes a sort of demilitarised zone."But how do you deal with that? And I think the flashpoint is not airstrikes, but it's really boots on the ground.

"I think that that becomes a moment where Hezbollah cannot not react."He added: "So I think that that is one flashpoint that I'd be worried about, that Israel eventually decides that it needs to do something on the ground and Lebanon."The other flashpoint is the West Bank, where violence is very high.

"I’m sure we could make the argument that violence has been very high for the last year and nothing big has happened.

"But there is that question of what is the straw that breaks the camel's back?

"What is that moment, and we don't know, but I think it's definitely the place that we need to watch."

Call for Iran's Revolutionary Guards to be proscribed as terrorists

Writing in the Daily Express, military historian Peter Caddick-Adams has called on the UK to proscribe Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation.The Iranian regime's loyalist military force has already been termed a terrorist organisation by the United States since 2019.

Mr Caddick-Adams writes: "They are the most dangerous aspect of the Iranian armed forces.

"And as we've seen in Israel and in the Red Sea in recent days, their tentacles reach far and wide with proxy forces like the Houthis and Hamas. For too long, the West has tolerated their various toxic influence around the coastline of Iran and in nearby countries."

US launches fresh raid as Houthis vow to strike back

The US carried out an airstrike on another Houthi-controlled site in Yemen in the early hours of this morning which it claims is putting commercial vessels in the Red Sea at risk.

One loud explosion was heard in Sanaa, Yemen’s capital, a day after the US and the UK launched raids on at least 16 targets in the against the Iran-allied Houthis.

The first day of strikes Friday hit 28 locations and struck more than 60 targets. However, the US determined the additional location, a radar site, still presented a threat to maritime traffic, one official said, speaking condition of anonymity .

President Joe Biden had warned Friday that the Houthis could face further strikes.

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