I visited beautiful Spanish city and was staggered by how cheap a glass of wine is

This Andalusian gem was warm enough to sit out in the streets in late winter and refreshingly good value compared to the UK.

By Richard Ashmore, Senior News Reporter

Seville enjoys stunning architecture influenced by its Moorish past (Image: Richard Ashmore )

Unlike a lot of Brits I have to admit I have not been to mainland Spain before. But just one visit to this beautiful Andalusian city and sampling the bargain food and wine prices made me want to say farewell and adieu to the UK. 


My wife and I visited Seville in January this year, there are cheap direct flights, but we flew from Birmingham to Malaga with the reasonably priced Jet2 airline. We then took one of the excellent cheap Spanish trains inland to our destination.

We travelled the three hours towards Seville past a landscape of mountains and olive trees which eventually gave way to orchards of oranges. 

Once in the city itself, the orange tree lined streets were something that brought me real joy, there's something about seeing a fruit we'd usually only see in a bowl in the UK just growing by the side of the road. 

Despite appearing juicy and ready to pick, the oranges on these trees are actually quite bitter and not the kind most people would enjoy eating, which is why so many are made into marmalade by combining them with sugar. 


The famous Seville orange trees line almost every street (Image: Richard Ashmore )

My wife Thushi is the planner in our relationship and she found the perfect hotel for us in Seville for our needs, which are generally that we don't want to have to walk too far to the attractions.

And what attractions Seville has to offer, just a short walk from our room at the Legado Alcazar Hotel we turned a corner on one of the charming streets and were confronted by one of the most spectacular cathedrals I have ever seen. 

The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is simply breathtaking. Like much of the architecture in Seville it is an almgamation of Catholic extravangance sitting on top of Moorish design. 

Seville had been ruled by Muslim dynasties for centuries up until the mid 1200s when Christian rulers took over, but the influence of the caliphates can still be seen everywhere in the city. 

We watched a game at Sevilla FC for 50 euros each (Image: Richard Ashmore )
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Just acrosss the square from the cathedral sits the Royal Alcázar palace complex, which was the original Islamic-era citadel in which the Abbadid dynasty and the Almohads leaders lived. In recent years some scenes from Game of Thrones were filmed there. 


Seville isn't a large city, and you don't have to walk far to find more amazing sites to see. I would highly recommend a walk down to the Guadalquivir River which is surprisingly busy with rowers at night.

And for more grand architecture you could also vist the very impressive Plaza de España, an enourmous oval shaped building with a mini Venetian-like canal on which you can hire peddle boats. 

The streets were lined with tapas restaurants and orange trees (Image: Thushi Ashmore )

Despite being late January when we visited, the temperatures were incredible, easily reaching 20C on most days which was more than comfortable enough to sit at one of the many tapas restaurants. 

It's here that we discovered the amazing prices. My wife and I sat out one afternoon, as she enjoyed reading a book, and we both sipped local sherry and wine for several hours and were stunned to find the bill only came to €20.

Food was also very cheap compared to the UK with a three course meal-for-two often coming to around £30 or £40. And the thing you have to get used to in Seville is that sometimes they bring you a tasty tapas dish for free, it's complimentary with your drinks.  

If you really want to get a taste of local culture though I find it's a good idea to attend an event where there are plenty of locals. We managed to buy some tickets to one of the Seville's two football teams, Sevilla FC, for just €50 each.

Despite the team only drawing, the atmosphere was great and the fans even helped us find our seats which was not immediately easy to do. 

In terms of things to see around Seville, we took a day trip to Cordoba where there is another amazing mosque-turned-cathedral. It was only 45 minutes on the train and very easy to arrange. 

But if I could have my way I'd just stay in Seville, there are some places in the world that I just don't want to leave and this Spanish orange bejewelled beauty is one of them.