Emmanuel Macron ramps up training for WW3 as navy chief warns 'combat increasingly likely'

Emmanuel Macron's forces are ramping up efforts to prepare for war as threats of a global conflict sparked by enemies who "want to destroy us" increase.

By Alessandra Scotto di Santolo, World News Reporter

The French navy is preparing for imminent war (Image: Getty)

In response to evolving global threats, France is intensifying its preparations for high-intensity warfare, with Rear Admiral Jacques Mallard, commander of France’s carrier battle group, cautioning that naval combat is becoming "increasingly likely".


Mallard emphasised the shift in focus, telling Politico: "We’re moving from a world where we were pretty free to do as we pleased to one where we feel threatened on a more regular basis ... We now train for other missions, in particular, what we call high-intensity warfare."

France, operating the sole nuclear-powered aircraft carrier within the EU — the Charles de Gaulle, along with a carrier battle group comprising nuclear submarines, frigates, and Rafale fighter jets, is poised to deploy to the Mediterranean Sea imminently.

Mallard noted the necessity for adaptation in the face of increasingly bold adversaries who "want to destroy us", adding: "With Russia’s war against Ukraine also spilling into the Black Sea and Iran-backed Houthi rebels relentlessly attacking warships and commercial vessels in the Red Sea, Western navies have to adapt to a new environment with ‘increasingly uninhibited competitors'."

In response to these challenges, the French navy introduced the Polaris training exercise in 2021, simulating naval battles to enhance tactical thinking and readiness.

Mallard explained: "It’s a bit more risky but it’s very useful to disinhibit tactical thinking."

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While acknowledging China's assertive stance in the South China Sea, Mallard clarified that France does not perceive China as an immediate threat.

However, French officials consistently raise concerns about China’s actions aimed at destabilising the global order.


France's strategic outlook remains grounded in safeguarding its territories and interests. Mallard emphasised: "As long as the Chinese haven’t invaded the island of La Réunion or decided to kick us off the island of Mayotte, there’s no reason to single out the Chinese as our main adversary."

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