French border police stop 130 migrants a day – but how many MORE sneak into Britain?

FRENCH police stop migrants sneaking into Britain a staggering 130 times a day, new figures reveal.


France's border police have stopped migrants 18,000 times this year

This year the border police have stopped migrants desperate to reach the UK more than 18,000 times.

The number is already double the total for 2014 as Britain faces an influx of arrivals from north Africa. 

Most were caught at the Channel Tunnel terminal and the ferry port, with over 1,000 stopped at Dunkirk's ferry port. 


Many migrants try to sneak across the Channel several times a day

We do not know how many evade our controls and make it to the UK

Johann Cavallero

But a spokesman for the Calais police union admitted many migrants try to sneak across the Channel several times a day.

Johann Cavallero said: "We catch a migrant in a lorry, and turn him back. 

"Then half an hour later we can catch the same man again.

"Of course, by definition, we know how many we catch – but we do not know how many we don't catch, who evade our controls and make it to the UK."

Last week French riot police stormed a migrant camp in Paris – and frog-marched them onto buses set for hostels.

But a Sudanese migrant said he expected to be released within hours – then plan to continue his journey towards Britain. 

The man, who called himself Ahok, said: "We're banned from going back into the camp, even to pick up our belongings.

"We've been promised one or two nights of shelter, but then we will have to get on our way. Many of us just want to go to England." 

In March Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart blamed Britain's benefits system for the migrant crisis.

She revealed that migrants "expect better conditions" in Britain than anywhere else in the world.

Illegal immigrants storm Calais port

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