Cameron and Obama BEG Putin to join forces in bid to WIPE OUT twisted Islamic State

BRITAIN and the US have united in a desperate bid to persuade Vladimir Putin to co-operate with them in the fight against Islamic State.

Vladimir Putin, David Cameron and Barack ObamaGETTY

Mr Putin, Mr Cameron and Mr Obama at the G8 summit in 2013

Russian president Mr Putin launched airstrikes in Syria against the depraved terror group in September – reportedly killing hundreds of jihadists.

But the West has accused him of targeting the moderate opposition to Syrian leader Bashar Assad, his long-time ally in the Middle East.

Mr Putin has hit back at this claims, saying he is committed to tackling terrorism which threatens "the whole world".

But David Cameron and Barack Obama are said to be willing to co-operate with Mr Putin after Friday's horrific massacre in Paris by ISIS militants.

Mr Cameron will today seek to reassure him that Russia's interests will be "protected" in the transition to a new regime in Damascus, the Syrian capital.

But sources stressed that Britain continues to see no role for Mr Assad in a future Syrian administration.

Vladimir PutinGETTY

Russia launched airstrikes against ISIS in September

Mr Cameron's talks with Mr Putin today will be the first time they have spoken face-to-face since the Brisbane G20 summit in November 2014.

Frosty discussions were dominated by events in Ukraine – just eight months after Russia annexed Crimea.

Downing Street sources said Mr Cameron wants to explore how Russia and the West can "bridge our differences" over Syria by recognising the shared threat they face from ISIS.

Paris attacksAFP

Islamic State murdered 132 people in Paris on Friday night

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Mr Cameron said: "We have our differences with the Russians, not least because they've done so much to degrade the non-[ISIS] opposition to Assad, people who could be part of the future of Syria.

"But the conversation I want to have with Vladimir Putin is to say 'Look, there is one thing we agree about which is we'd be safer in Russia, we'd be safer in Britain if we destroy [ISIS]. 

"That's what we should be focusing on'."

Paris attacksGETTY

More than 350 people were also injured in the attacks

Barack Obama is believed to have delivered a similar message to the Russian leader in a 35-minute discussion yesterday ahead of the G20 summit.

The Turkey conference has been dominated by discussions over the world's response to the Paris attacks and the downing of a Russian airliner in Egypt.

American officials said: "President Obama and President Putin agreed on the need for a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political transition, which would be proceeded by UN-mediated negotiations between the Syrian opposition and regime as well a ceasefire."

Barack ObamaGETTY

Mr Obama discussed the Syria crisis with Mr Putin yesterday

Cameron will also urge Mr Putin to put pressure on the Assad regime to stop using barrel bombs, according to insiders.

He hopes to revive the spirit of discussions at a 2012 meeting in Sochi, when the two men were able to have "deeper" conversations about Syria's future. 

But insiders stressed that the Prime Minister was "realistic" about the prospects for swift progress and admitted that was "a lot still to be worked out".

Turkey: Putin and Obama have one on one talk at G20 summit

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