Jeremy Corbyn: French bombing in Syria will do NOTHING but stoke the ISIS fire

FRENCH air strikes against Islamic State (IS) targets in Syria will make little difference, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has warned.

Jeremy Corbyn believes the only way to deal with the IS threat was through policital settlementGETTY

Jeremy Corbyn believes the only way to deal with the IS threat was through policital settlement

Following Friday's terror attacks in Paris, French warplanes mounted a series of strikes against the IS - also referred to as Isis or Isil - stronghold of Raqqa.

I am saying bring about a political settlement in Syria which will help then to bring some kind of unity government

Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader

However Mr Corbyn said that the only way to deal with the threat from IS was through a political settlement to Syria's long-running civil war.

"Does the bombing change it? Probably not. The idea has to be surely a political settlement in Syria," he told ITV1's Lorraine programme.

He added: "We have to be careful. One war doesn't necessarily bring about peace, it often can bring yet more conflicts, more mayhem and more loss."

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn appeared on ITV's Lorraine programmeITV

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn appeared on ITV's Lorraine programme

Mr Corbyn acknowledged that achieving a settlement in Syria would be "very difficult" but said that international talks over the weekend appeared to have made some progress.

"I am not saying 'sit round the table with Isis', I am saying bring about a political settlement in Syria which will help then to bring some kind of unity government - technical government - in Syria," he said.

Corbyn said that the rise of IS had raised some questions including who is behind the groupPA

Corbyn said that the rise of IS had raised some questions, such as who is behind the group

The Labour leader said that the rise of IS had raised some "very big questions" as to who was behind the jihadist group.

"Who is funding Isis? Who is arming Isis? Who is providing safe havens for Isis? You have to ask questions about the arms that everyone has sold in the region, the role of Saudi Arabia in this. I think there are some very big questions," he said.

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