TERROR ALERT: Arabic graffiti daubed on easyJet planes at French airports

AIRLINE officials have launched an investigation after Arabic graffiti was found daubed on planes in France.

EasyJet planesGETTY•PA

Arabic graffitti was found daubed on four easyJet planes

The graffiti was found covering fuel tanks of four easyJet planes at airports which cannot be named for security reasons.

The probe comes two weeks after 130 people were killed by twisted Islamic State terrorists in co-ordinated attacks across Paris.

Airports in the capital have tightened security since the horrific shootings and bombings amid fears of follow-up attacks.

Airline security expert Philip Baum said: "Graffiti in itself won't hurt anybody. 

"But the ability of anyone to place a prohibited item near fuel tanks is a concern, of course."

He added: "We know there are people working in restricted areas of airports with extremist sympathies."

Paris attacksGETTY

Paris has beefed up security since the horrific shootings and bombings

ISIS terrorists are thought to have responsible for blowing a Russian passenger jet out of the sky last month.

Metrojet Flight 9268 was reportedly shot down in Sinai, Egypt on October 31 in revenge for Russia's airstrikes in Syria.

The most recent issue of ISIS' propaganda magazine, Dabiq, feature an image of the bomb apparently used to down the jet.


No passengers were removed from the aircraft

An easyJet spokeswoman told the Sun: "EasyJet assessed this issue, each time working in full consultation with the authorities, and is entirely satisfied it is nothing more than graffiti.

"EasyJet takes very seriously any security related issue and would not operate a flight unless we are entirely satisfied it is completely safe to do so.

 "EasyJet operates its fleet of aircraft in full compliance with all regulations. 

"The safety and security of its passengers and crews is always easyJet's highest priority."

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