RAF strikes ISIS targets in Syria with £100k Brimstone missiles for first time

RAF bombers have unleashed Brimstone missiles on Islamic State in Syria for the first time, Downing Street confirmed.

Raf pilots boarding a tornado planeGETTY/IG

RAF bombers have struck ISIS targets with state-of-the-art Brimstone missiles for the first time

The £100,000 bombs were used in separate raids on Sunday to destroy a supply truck in the self-proclaimed IS capital of Raqqa and mobile cranes at an oilfield, which funds the terrorist group. 

It was the first time the missiles, which were fired from Tornado GR4 jets, have been used since MPs voted on December 2 to allow raids on Syrian targets. Tornado jets also fired Paveway IV missiles to destroy a command and control centre and IS tunnels. 

In the heated Commons debate on extending RAF raids into Syria, David Cameron claimed the accuracy of the missiles would make a “meaningful difference” to the campaign against IS. 

A Brimstone can be laser or radar-guided. 

It can also be fired from 20,000ft and seven miles away and destroy a vehicle travelling at up to 70mph. 

RAF Handout of satellite imageryEPA

An RAF handout shows the Brimstone missile, circled in red, heading towards an ISIS target in Raqqa

An exploded ISIS target in SyriaEPA

The £100k Brimstone missile can be guided be radar or laser, helping improve accuracy

The Ministry of Defence also confirmed yesterday, RAF Reaper drones flew their 1,000th mission against IS since being deployed in the campaign in October 2014.

They are controlled from RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, Four Brimstone missiles were used in separate raids in Syria on Sunday. 

One was used to destroy a supply truck in Raqqa. 

A further three were used to destroy mobile cranes brought in to repair damage inflicted by previous RAF raids on Syria’s Omar oilfield. 

In this raid, a pair of Tornados had flown out of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus worked with a Reaper drone flying from Kuwait to attack the oilfield.

Tornado jets were also used to fire Paveway IV laser-guided bombs to flatten two IS buildings in Raqqa – one was a command and control centre. 

An aid convoy approaching Madaya, Syria REUTERS

Britain is helping to fund a UN mercy mission to feed starving residents of Madaya, Syria

The raids on Syria took place amid continuing attacks on IS, also known as Daesh, in Iraq.

Britain is playing a key role in the fight against Daesh

Michael Fallon, Defence Secretary

After details of the Syrian raids were revealed Mr Cameron’s spokeswoman said: “This is part of the ongoing operation and work we are doing with coalition partners to defeat Daesh in Iraq and Syria.” 

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said he planned to meet his coalition colleagues next week to plan the next phase of the campaign. 

He said: “Britain is playing a key role in the fight against Daesh...To ensure we are doing all we can in this fight I will be meeting key coalition defence ministers next week to review progress and to plan the next stage of the strategy.”

Britain is helping to fund a UN mercy mission to the besieged Syrian town of Madaya where residents are said to be starving to death. 

The Department for International Development said UK money would help provide food, drugs and tents for up to 40,000 people.

Syria: Aid relief enters besieged city of Madaya

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