Donald Trump WILL be candidate for President, polls predict ahead of US TV debate tonight

DONALD Trump has declared the United States is WEAK without him, as American polls show he WILL smash his bid for the Republican nomination in the US Presidential race.

According to polls Trump will win his place as the Republican leader GETTY

According to polls Trump will win his place as the Republican leader

The White House hopeful has captured 45 per cent of the vote in a three way race with Senator Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio according to polls - in the latest sign party voters are ready to accept the outspoken businessman as their 2016 nominee. 

In a new YouGov poll, Republicans appear to want a "strong" and "bold" leader than a "true Conservative". 

Mr Trump wins strong and bold, while Mr Cruz is seen as the true Conservative and Mr Rubio wins the title of "typical politician". 

The results have emerged ahead of tonight when Trump takes to the stage for a the last televised debate with his Republican candidate competition before voters can decide who they want to run for President. 

The politician's will battle for their place as leader on Thursday night GETTY

The politician's will battle for their place as leader on Thursday night

United States looks more and more like a paper tiger. Won't be that way if I win!

Donald Trump

The mogul has maintained a strong contender in presidential preference polls in the States, which holds its primary election just two weeks after Iowa and New Hampshire.

He has made more than a dozen trips there, drawing in the thousands, while his competitors have drawn in hundreds at best. 

Mr Trump is said to be neck-and-neck with religious right-winger Mr Cruz in Iowa, but has a big lead in New Hampshire. 

A recent poll since July 2015 showed him lapping the field in New Hampshire with 36 per cent, ahead of Mr Cruz on 19 per cent. 

Mr Rubio, the top candidate seen as battling for the establishment vote in the race, only registered 11 per cent. 

Ben Carson once threatened Mr Trump’s lead, but has collapsed to 7.5 per cent, and former favourite Jeb Bush now only has 5 per cent. All other candidates are at 3 per cent or less.

And last night the outspoken Republican appeared confident as ever as he vowed the US is a "paper tiger" without him.

Senator Ted Cruz has 19% of the vote according to polls GETTY

Senator Ted Cruz has 19% of the vote according to polls

Clearly angered after 10 US sailors were held for entering Iran's territorial waters, Trump tweeted: "Iran humiliated the United States with the capture of our 10 sailors. Horrible pictures & images. We are weak. I will NOT forget!

"United States looks more and more like a paper tiger. Won't be that way if I win!" 

The sailors were detained on Tuesday when one of their two vessels broke down while training in the Gulf. They have now been released. 

Mr Trump also vowed to make "America so great again" during a speech in Pensacola Bay. 

He added: "We have grossly incompetent leadership and we're going to end it. So sad. So sad.

"We’re going to win so much, with all those things, health care, everything, in everything we do. And other countries are going to love us because we’re winners.

"We are going to make America so great again. The American dream is so dead, but we’re going to make it better than ever before.”

 Marco Rubio has won the title of GETTY

Marco Rubio has won the title of "typical politician"

Donald Trump: The Facts

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