Blow to UK business as French SHELVE rail project after migrants attack Calais police

BRITISH businesses were dealt a hammer blow today after French authorities SHELVED a vital rail freight project due to the growing migrant violence at Calais.

Migrants clash with police in CalaisGETTY

A rail project has been shelved due to migrant violence in Calais

The planned service between southern France and Calais was sensationally postponed after officials admitted the risk of migrants trying to use it as a shortcut to Britain was too great. 

It had been designed to create a super-fast link between northern France and its Mediterranean ports, slashing costs for British businesses importing goods including fruit and veg. 

Their shock announcement came as local media reports in France claimed thugs from the No Borders vigilante group teamed up with migrants to attack a police car as the ongoing violence in the lawless port town continues to escalate.

The decision to suspend the new rail link was met with dismay by industry bodies today, who said it would harm British businesses already being hampered by the chaos at Calais and Dunkirk. 

A Eurostar freight trainGETTY

The freight line would have provided a vital boost to British businesses

Migrants at the Jungle Camp in CalaisAFP

The announcement came after it emerged migrants and activists attacked a French police car

Chris Yarsley from the Freight Transport Association (FTA) said: “This is yet another example of this vital trade route being affected by the actions of the migrants in Calais. 

"The French government needs to move the camp away from the port as soon as possible and ensure the area is secure for transport operators.

“This will affect those who ship by road, rail and sea and will dent confidence in the Eurotunnel as a viable option. We need to move freight off the roads and onto rail – this isn’t going to help achieve that aim.

“Our members have endured months of delays, disruptions and threats to their personal safety while travelling through Calais. 

"This situation cannot be allowed to continue to adversely affect the livelihoods of transport operators who need to use this route.”

Migrants at the Jungle CampAFP

French authorities want to raze a third of the Jungle Camp, but migrants are set to resist

Migrants cling to a fence near the Channel Tunnel entranceAFP

Eurotunnel has even flooded the land around the Channel Tunnel entrance to keep migrants out

This is yet another example of this vital trade route being affected by the actions of the migrants in Calais

Chris Yarsley, FTA

Announcing the suspension of the project French government owned rail company SNCF said the growing number of migrants at Calais had raised a “rail traffic safety issue” that cannot be ignored.

The company added that it will resubmit plans for the route, which was initially planned to carry unaccompanied road trailers across France, which will ensure "optimal safety conditions for all".

The service had been due to begin running yesterday, carrying millions of tonnes of vital produce including fruit and veg from Spain through to Calais and then on to Britain. 

It was cancelled hours after a gang of thugs from No Borders teamed up with migrants to rampage through Calais, attacking and smashing up a police patrol car. 

A police source told La Voix du Nord newspaper that "a small group of militants from No Borders were joined by 50 migrants" to carry out the shocking attack in the early hours of Tuesday morning. 

According to the source the gang threw rocks and other projectiles at the stranded vehicle, smashing its windscreen, before CRS riot police moved in and managed to restore order. 

The terrifying incident is just the latest example of the growing violence in Calais, with thousands of migrants armed with hammers, iron bars and baseball bats going on the rampage several times in the last few months.

France: Authorities flood Channel Tunnel area to keep out refugees

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