Europe could take MORE migrants from Syria, says UN refugee agency head


Europe could take more refugees says the head of the UN refugee agency

EUROPE could take more refugees from Syria, the head of the United Nations (UN) refugee agency has said as the European Union (EU) continues to buckle under the strain of its migrant crisis.

Filippo Grandi said the EU would be able to take more genuine refugees fleeing the war-torn country if they worked better together. 

The Italian diplomat’s comments came after several European leaders warned that Europe was on the brink of collapse because of the ongoing migrant crisis. 


French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Europe was in “very grave danger” as he urged EU leaders to send a message that the continent “will not welcome all the refugees”. 

On Friday, his Dutch counterpart, Mark Rutte, warned: "When spring comes and the numbers quadruple, we cannot as the EU cope with the numbers any longer."

Mr Grandi, who took over as the head of the UN refugee agency this year, told the BBC:  "Europe can absorb more genuine refugees if it would be better organised among the different member-states.

"However, we understand the predicament. It is a social and political predicament which is very serious."


Filippo Grandi during a visit to a Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon


More than one million migrants arrived in Europe last year

Europe can absorb more genuine refugees if it would be better organised

Filippo Grandi

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Mr Grandi also urged the EU to "do more for the countries of first asylum" so there would be "less motivation for people to flee further away".


Millions of displaced Syrians have fled to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. 

Today Jeremy Corbyn urged the UK Government to take in more refugees as he visited the infamous Jungle migrant camp in Calais

The Labour leader said Britain “had to do more” and take its fair share of refugees. 

His visits to refugee camps in Dunkirk and Calais were followed by migrants storming a ferry, which forced the northern French port to close

Migrant crisis: The countries worst affected

The EU is currently drawing up plans to distribute the burden of refugees more evenly among member states which has been strongly opposed by many Eastern European countries. 

The move would see the scrapping of the controversial rule that means refugees must claim asylum in the first country they arrive in.  

More then 1 million migrants landed on European shores last year, prompting many countries to re-impose border controls that are putting the Schengen zone in jeopardy. 

Thousands of migrants, many from war-torn Syria, are still arriving from Turkey despite cold temperatures


Mr Grandi said Europe could take in more refugees if the EU worked together better