Panama Papers scandal: What are tax havens?

THE Panama Papers leak has turned the spotlight on tax havens and sent shockwaves rippling around the world. But what are tax havens?


Panama: One of the world's most infamous tax havens

Controversial leaked documents, dubbed the Panama Papers, have named everyone from Iceland’s disgraced former Prime Minister to David Cameron’s late father and Vladimir Putin’s associates. 

The data leak from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca has sparked concern among global law firms and investors, according to John Christensen, executive director of the Tax Justice Network. 

Mr Christensen said: “An awful lot of people are going to worried about their financial arrangements. A lot of people will be losing a lot of sleep in the coming weeks and rightly so.” 

The economist and former adviser to the UK and Jersey Governments has shared his thoughts on tax havens and the far-reaching impact of the Panama Papers leak. 

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Tax havens have high levels of secrecy

What are tax havens? 

Tax havens are characterised by a high level of secrecy and a weak commitment to international cooperation and sharing information, Mr Christensen said.

More importantly there are zero rates of tax for nonresidents, which make tax havens very popular among wealthy foreigners and companies. 

Mr Christensen said that rich people can hide behind offshore companies and trusts, unless there is a leak like the explosive Panama Papers scandal. 

He said: “They can hide who they are. No-one knows who they are until a leak happens and they are caught with their trousers down.” 

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Cayman Islands - One of the best-known tax havens

How do tax havens work?

The rich and powerful can use tax havens to avoid paying tax through legal means or to evade tax using illegal methods. 

Criminals can also exploit tax haven schemes in order to hide corrupt deals, fraud and other economic crimes, Mr Christensen said. 

Iceland's prime minister and Putin Getty

Named in Panama Papers: Iceland's former prime minister and associates of Vladimir Putin

What are the world’s biggest tax havens? 

Mr Christensen said Britain has a “galaxy of satellite tax havens” such as the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Bermuda and Jersey. 

He said that America is also emerging as a “mega tax haven” as the world’s rich move their money to US states such as Nevada, Wyoming and Delaware. 

More traditional tax havens include the now infamous Panama as well as the tiny European countries of Switzerland and Luxembourg. 

What should be done in the wake of the Panama Papers? 

Mr Christensen called for action to lift the cloak of secrecy around tax havens and to make sure that the rich pay taxes like everyone else. 

He said: “I describe this as a wake up call for civil society because this has been going on for decades. This demonstrates conclusively that there really is a difference between the rich and the rest of us.” 

Tax Justice Network wants a public register of the beneficial owners of offshore companies, country by country accounting and global exchange of information. 

Mr Christensen said: “We want to know the real owners. We want to know the ultimate owners and that needs to be done on a public register.” 

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Mossack Fonseca - the law firm at the heart of the Panama Papers scandal

How much money is hidden in tax havens? 

The global super-rich had at least $21trillion hidden in tax havens at the end of 2010, according to the Tax Justice Network’s latest estimate. 

It is estimated that UK tax authorities could be losing up to £7.2bn a year of tax revenue from avoidance and evasion.

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