WIKILEAKS RELEASE: Threat to kill US President if cult leader Manson not freed from jail


Canadian security chiefs heard of a plot to assassinate President Gerald Ford if Charles Manson was

WIKILEAKS has released a top-secret cable revealing a plot to assassinate a US president if the cult leader Charles Manson was not released from prison.

The historic document was compiled by the Office of Security in Montreal, Canada, to the Department of State in Ottowa, according to the online whistleblowing organisation run by Julian Assange.

It reveals a second alleged plot to assassinate President Gerald Ford by people aligned to Manson, after a failed attempt just 25 days earlier.


The cable outlines intelligence about a plot to assassinate President Ford and Emperor Hirohito, who was on a two-week state visit to the US, if Manson was not released from Folsom Prison near Sacramento in California.

Charles Manson, 82, who was taken ill this week, led the 1960s Californian cult group known as the Manson family whose followers committed nine murders at four locations over five weeks in the summer of 1969. 

Most notably was the murder of actress Sharon Tate.


President Ford and Mrs Ford meeting Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako in the US in 1975

Manson was found in 1971 guilty of conspiracy to commit seven of them including Tate's.

He is serving nine concurrent life sentences at Corcoran State Prison in California. 

The Los Angeles Times and TMZ reported this week that Manson had been hospitalised and taken to a Bakersfield hospital because of gastrointestinal issues.

The cable drafted at 9.50pm on September 30 1975 says: "At approximately 4pm we received a telephone call from a Canadian who identified himself as Alan, and who told us of a plot to assassinate President Ford and Emperor Hirohito.

"Alan said that two women who he identified as Eloise and Linda came to Montreal from San Francisco in a blue station wagon, picked up a man in Montreal and left for the US 35 hours ago to carry out the assassination.


"Our caller said all three kept referring to Brother Charlie who was in prison and wanted to get out.

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"He said president and the emperor would be assassinated unless Charlie was released and he assumed that this threat would be relayed through one of the wire services.

"Our caller said he understood that Charlie meant Charles Manson."

The source said the group was heavily armed and identified links between Manson followers and IRA sympathisers in New York.

The cable adds: "Caller said the group was carrying three M-16 rifles stolen in the US, two armalite rifles purchased from William Plainville who is with an IRA group in New York, a grenade launcher , and 125 lbs of TNT.

He said explosives can be set off by pushing a cigarette lighter or by a clock device.

"He said assassination attempt is to take place by Saturday (October 4) and tat car will be blown up even if group cannot get close enough to president."


Thge latest prison mugshot of Charles Manson (left) and Julian Assange of Wikileaks.

He said president and the emperor would be assassinated unless Charlie was released and he assumed that this threat would be relayed through one of the wire services.

Canadian security services secret cable

The caller gave detailed descriptions of the trio, including Eloise as being 5ft7, 130

lbs, with black hair and a 2-1/2 inch scar on the top side of her right arm.

Linda was described as 5ft7, 135 lbs, with red hair and freckles.

They were driving a blue stationwagon with California plates starting 5KX.

The man picked up in Montreal was described as 6ft1, 200lbs, with a tattoo on his right arm saying "war means murder".  

The source said this man was called Liaka or Viaka, which he said meant death in Russian.

The caller said he rang from the Atwater Metro station, and lived on the Lakeshore, but his life was in danger, as he was probably being watched by a friend of the three.

The man said he was armed with a licensed 38 revolver as a result, and had met the girls through an unnamed group he used to be involved with in Quebec.

He had then accompanied them and the man to a second-floor apartment on Sherbrooke Street near St Denis, Quebec.

It is not clear what, if any action was taken by security services following the tip off, or if it was taken seriously.

But, on September 5 that year, there was an assassination attempt on President Ford by one of Manson's most loyal supporters.

Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme pointed a Colt .45-caliber pistol at him as he walked across L Street from the Senator Hotel toward the Capitol in Sacramento, California, but the gun did not go off.

She had moved to Sacramento to be nearer to Manson in prison.

She was jailed for life and released in 2009.