Family robbed at gunpoint outside luxury home after thugs stalk them from airport


The four thugs can be seen ambushing the unsuspecting family outside their home

TERRIFYING footage of vicious crooks robbing a family at gunpoint in their driveway after stalking them from the airport has emerged.

Family robbed at gunpoint outside their South African home

In CCTV footage of the incident, the four thugs can be seen ambushing the unsuspecting mum, dad, as well as the son, who had picked up his parents who had just returned from holiday. 

While aiming a weapon at the shocked family, the assailants order them to hand over their belongings, before grabbing their suitcases, a wallet, clothes and a laptop from the car. 

The incident happened outside their luxury home in the suburbs after the son had collected his parents from the OR Tambo airport in Johannesburg. 

Despite the home being protected by security gates, the thugs, who are believed to have targeted the family and followed them back from the airport, jumped the startled trio before they could close the gates. 

The gunman then threatens the startled driver as he warns he will shoot unless the car doors are unlocked. 

Grabbing the keys out of the ignition, the four crooks start emptying out the car, while the occupants keep quite in terror of being shot. 


Trapped inside, the family watches on in horror as the males steal all of their belongings, before putting it into their getaway car. 


The armed thugs ordered the family to hand over their belongings

In just four minutes, the armed thugs managed to clear out the vehicle

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In just four minutes, the armed thugs managed to clear out the vehicle and before fleeing the scene, the gunman returned to the drivers’ side window and warned the terrified people to remain inside until they had left. 

The robbery happened at 7.20am on Sunday and police say that a car had gone to the OR Tambo airport to pick up relatives returning from a Christmas holiday.

The video was released on YouTube by the Crime Intelligence and Community Awareness group (CICA) in the hope that witnesses would recognise the car or the gunmen.

A Johannesburg police spokesman said inquiries are continuing and appealed for witnesses.