Obama bid to woo Taliban moderates

US president Barack Obama says he wants American troops to reach out to moderate elements of the Taliban, but admitted it was a tough prospect.

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Asked in an interview with The New York Times if the US was winning in Afghanistan, he said: "No" while adding: "Our troops are doing an extraordinary job in a very difficult situation.

"But you've seen conditions deteriorate over the last couple of years. The Taliban is bolder than it was. I think ... in the southern regions of the country, you're seeing them attack in ways that we have not seen previously."

He added: "The national government there still has not gained the confidence of the Afghan people.

"And so it's going to be critical for us to not only get through these national elections to stabilise the security situation, but we've got to recast our policy so that our military, diplomatic and development goals are all aligned to ensure that al-Qaida and extremists that would do us harm don't have the kinds of safe havens that allow them to operate."

Mr Obama said there may be opportunities to reach out to moderates in the Taliban, but the situation in Afghanistan was more complicated than the challenges the American military faced in Iraq.

US troops were able to persuade Sunni Muslim insurgents in Iraq to co-operate in some instances because they had been alienated by the tactics of al-Qaida terrorists.

But Mr Obama warned that Afghanistan was a less-governed region with a history of fierce independence among tribes, creating a tough set of circumstances for the US to deal with.

The idea of co-operation with some in the Taliban has been talked about for many months by American military commanders including General David Petraeus, head of US Central Command.

"If you talk to General Petraeus, I think he would argue that part of the success in Iraq involved reaching out to people that we would consider to be Islamic fundamentalists, but who were willing to work with us," said Mr Obama.

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