Hawaii volcano update: Big Island Weather Channel forecast as Kilauea creates own weather

HAWAII’S Kilauea volcano has displaced thousands of residents with its continuous explosive eruptions. On top of causing lava to flow across residential areas, the conditions around Kilauea's eruption are causing the volcano to create its own weather.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Arial view of lava lakes in Hawaii

The heat from lava spewing out of fissures is causing Kilauea to create its own weather (Image: EPA)

The US Geological Survey have found that pyrocumulus clouds are gathering over fissure 8 in the Leilani estates area.

"Hawaii Volcano Observatory Scientists are beginning to observe these 'pyrocumulus' clouds forming over the Leilani Estates fissure system," stated the USGS

Rare and mushroom-like in appearance, pyrocumulus clouds can form above lava and the gases spewed from a volcano.

Also known as “flammagenitus” or “fire clouds” according to the USGS.

An eruption causes intense heat to release from the ground, particularly when a fissure opens in the earth’s surface.

This heat rises and condenses, causing the cloud to form.

Pyrocumulus clouds can take the appearance of thunderstorm clouds, and carry similar characteristics too.

They are able to produce lightning through electrostatically charged particles, should there be enough in the cloud.

Pyrocumulus clouds above Kilauea

The Leilani Estates area has seen pyrocumulus clouds gather above red hot fissures (Image: USGS)

The intensely hot conditions from volcanic eruptions and intense wildfires can cause pyrocumulus clouds to form.

Currently, the pyrocumulus clouds over fissure 8 whilst appearing sinister and close to the ground haven’t yet caused lightning.

The USGS commented that "this eruption is too small to have an impact on the area's climate.

“Once the eruption is over, the gases will quickly dissipate. They pose the same hazards as any thunderstorm.

Hawaii volcano: Aerial view of lava fountain in Leilani Estates

“They don't hold volcanic ash, so they don't have any additional hazard from electrostatically charged ash particles."

The current weather forecast on Big Island according to The Weather Channel shows humidity at 72 per cent, with a 50 per cent chance of rain.

Temperatures will today see highs of 25 degrees celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), with 19 kilometre per hour northeasterly winds.

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