Hawaii volcano update LIVE: Kilauea eruption latest lava map - Guatemala death toll grows

HAWAII'S Kilauea volcano has now been erupting for 35 days as lava continues to flow into nearby towns and neighbourhoods, destroying everything in its path. Here is the latest news and live updates on the Hawaii volcano as the death toll in Guatemala rises to 100.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Hawaii volcano: Aerial view of lava fountain in Leilani Estates

A river of lava spewing from the foot of Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano swallowed about three dozen more homes on the Big Island this weekend.

Lava flows continue to wreak destruction with nearly 120 properties being devoured since the volcano erupted last month, officials said on Monday.

One finger of the lava continues to pour into a small freshwater lake, boiling away all its water late on Saturday, while another finger spilt into Kapoho Bay on Sunday night.

All but a few of the estimated 500 inhabitants of Kapoho and adjacent Vacationland development are now believed to have fled their homes, an agency spokesman said.

The latest damage came from a large lava flow that crept miles from the volcano's crater before severing a key highway junction at Kapoho on Saturday and then obliterating about a half-dozen blocks of the subdivision over the weekend, the spokesman said.

Thursday, May 7

9.15pm update: How much lava has spurted from Kilauea since the eruption began?

The USGS have released figures detailing how much lava has so far erupted from Kilauea since May 3:

“113.5 million cubic meters (0.11 cubic kilometers, 4008.2 million cubic feet)

That's enough to fill 45,400 Olympic-sized swimming pools, cover manhattan island to a depth of 6.5 feet, or fill 11.3 million average dump trucks.”

Those are mammoth figures, but is only half the amount of the Mauna Loa eruption in 1984.

6:00pm update: Lava continues to pour into the ocean at Kapoho bay causing toxic laze plumes

In a Hawaiian Civil Defense alert issued at 6:00am local time (5:00pm BST) the HCD warned of continuing plumes of laze coming from the ocean. 

The laze plume is travelling along the coastline, but could change direction as winds change warn officials. 

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory have said there is no change to explosive fissure 8, as it continues to spew lava towards the coast and into the ocean.

3:40pm update: Eruption at Kilauea’s summit sends ash cloud 10,000 feet into the air

An eruption at the summit of Kilauea has caused an ash cloud to climb 10,000 feet into the air.

Locals have been warned to stay indoors, as gas and shards of glass are blown through the sky.

This happened after a magnitude 5.6 earthquake shook the summit at 4.10pm yesterday local time (3.10am today BST).

Georgina Laud takes over live reporting from Vickiie Oliphant

11.16am update: Citizens say the eruption is caused by 'mother nature' or goddess Pele

"It's a necessary evil," said resident Harry Pomerleau, who lost his home to lava.

"It's not our land. It belongs to Pele," the Hawaiian volcano goddess, he said. "I have to imagine she knows what she's doing."

10.25am update: Lava flows spreading

Lava had covered nearly 8 square miles (20.7 sq km) of landscape as of Monday, and some 9,900 earthquakes had been recorded on the Big Island since Kilauea rumbled back to life last month.

That's nearly 10 times the monthly historic average for seismic activity on Hawaii Island, the USGS said.

Ash Cloud

An ash cloud rising above Big Island as the volcano continues to erupt (Image: GETTY)

9.41am update: Hawaii eruption helping scientists learn more about volcanoes

Erupting volcanoes can help scientists to learn more about eruptions and the secrets behind them.

"Geophysical monitoring techniques that have come online in the last 20 years have now been deployed at Kilauea," said George Bergantz, professor of earth and space sciences at the University of Washington.

"We have this remarkable opportunity to see many more scales of behaviour both preceding and during this current volcanic crisis."

Researchers are measuring the height of ash plumes shooting from the summit, which indicate how much heat energy is released and the explosion's intensity.

They can also monitor where gas is emerging, as well as determine its composition and volume, along with measuring the rise and fall of the ground which suggests when and where magma is pooling.

9.34am update: Uncertainty of when it will end means Hawaii eruption is an 'emotional rollercoaster'

Authorities began evacuating the Kapoho area last week, with most residents ushered to safety by early on Saturday.

A handful of residents who initially stayed behind rather than heed evacuation orders were airlifted by helicopter on Sunday.

"I just locked my doors and walked away," said Betty Oberman, a 28-year Vacationland resident. "It's an emotional roller coaster."

9.18am update: Lava flow evaporates Hawaii's largest freshwater lake within hours

Steam from Hawaii's largest freshwater lake billowed into the skies as lava flow evaporated its placid waters within just hours.

The latest casualty from the Big Island's Kilauea volcano, the lake first started to evaporate at 10am on Saturday.

But by 3pm, the lake had filled with lava and the body of water was no more.

Green Lake was previously a popular swimming spot and once reached depths of 200 feet.

"I couldn't believe it," Hawaii Community College geography instructor Drew Kapp said. "I've never even heard of anything like that happening before."

8.56am update: Lava has destroyed more than 400 homes

The wall of lava from Kilauea Volcano has engulfed two entire seaside housing tracts at the eastern tip of Hawaii's Big Island, an area where civil defense officials said nearly 280 homes once stood.

The obliteration of the Kapoho Beach Lots and Vacationland subdivisions brings the tally of destruction to at least 400.

That latest toll from Kilauea's ongoing upheaval, which entered its 36th day on Thursday, far surpasses the 215 structures destroyed by lava during all 35 years of the volcano's last eruption cycle which began in 1983.

"Vacationland is gone, there's no evidence of any properties there at all," Wendy Stovall, a vulcanologist from the USGS, told reporters.

"Just a few homes" are left standing, she added.

6.00am: New drone footage captures some of Hawaii’s most dangerous spots

An Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) drone used by the USGS has captured a number of the most dangerous locations on the Big Island.

The video was used to assess lava flow velocities as Mount Kilauea continues its destruction.

4.00am: Expert warns the lands of Hawaii have been permanently changed from the volcano chaos

Tracy Gregg, an associate professor of geology and volcano expert at the University of Buffalo, issued the dire warning as Kilauea continues to plague the US island.

She said: “Whenever you have ocean entry, as we call it, we get a tongue of new land.

"Sometimes it's stable, but most of the time it's not.

“Whatever happens, Kapoho will never be a cute little bay again."

3.00am: Hawaii’s mayor desperately attempts to offer condolences to those that have lost their homes

Harry Kim insisted the community on the island had to stick together in order to make things “better” in the long term.

He said: "I know how it hurts inside, so let's go from there on what we can do.

“In the darkest of times, I ask you to stick with us.

"Together, all of us as a community, if we have the will, we will make it better."

Rainbow over the lava spewing fissure 8

A rainbow, singed trees, lava flow and downed power lines can all be seen in this image (Image: USGS)

1.30am: Hawaii continues to be rocked by earthquakes as threats from Kilauea continue to loom

The Big Island has been rocked by over 12,000 earthquakes in the last 30 days according to the United States Geological Survey.

This far surpasses the island’s average of 1,000 a month.

Wednesday, May 6

11.50pm: Uncertainty over Kilauea remains as natural disasters continue to plague Hawaii

Professor of planetary geosciences at The Open University, David Rotary, insisted fissure eight on the island presents a great deal of uncertainty and could continue causing problems for residents “for several more weeks”.

He said: “There seems to be no sign of the lava effusion from ‘fissure 8’ decreasing yet.

“This is the source of the lava that has entered Kapoho Bay, and has extended the shoreline so much that the bay is now a peninsula.

“It could stop tomorrow, or it could continue like this, perhaps in fits and starts, for several more weeks.”

Joseph Carey takes over live reporting from Georgina Laud

Overhead view of lava entering the ocean

Lava entering the ocean along the eastern coast (Image: USGS)

10.00pm update: A magnitude 4.1 earthquake shakes the coast of Big Island

At 10.28am local time (9.28pm BST) a 4.1 magnitude earthquake hit near Mauna Kea.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center have reported that to quake was not large enough to cause a tsunami.

The quake was centred at the Hamakua coast, and residents have been warned to there may be aftershocks.

8:45pm update: Halema‘uma‘u Crater continues to partially collapse

The withdrawal of magma towards the East Rift Zone is causing the Halema‘uma‘u Crater to collapse.

As the magma flows out of the crater, the hole is filled with wall-rock rubble.

Once the site of a lake of lava, the collapse will continue as long as the lava continues to flow from Fissure 8.

7.10pm update: The Vacationland area has been completely covered

Due to the strength of Fissure 8, flights overhead have shown that lava has completely covered the area of Vacationland on the eastern coast.

USGS report that flows have extended 100 yards north in Kapoho beach lots.

Lava is entering the ocean at Vacationland, with Fissure 8 producing fountains of molten rock.

5.50pm update: Rigorous lava eruptions continue in the lower East Rift Zone.

The Hawaii Civil Defense have issued a message at 6.00am local time warning of the large laze plume caused by lava filling the ocean.

Fissure 8 is continuing with to be very active and is producing “a large channelized flow that has filled in Kapoho Bay.”

Residents are warned to start away from any ocean plume, with the HCD stating “Be aware that the laze plume travels with the wind and can change direction without warning.”

The United States Environmental Protection Agency are measuring air quality across the island that poses a risk to those with existing medical or respiratory conditions.

4.10pm update: USGS release an image of a rainbow above Fissure 8

In a photo taken from the southern end of Nohea Street in Leilani Estates subdivision, Pahoa, Hawaii, a rainbow can be seen in the sky over fissure 8. 

The flows seen are coming directly from the fissure, the heat of which has stripped the trees of their leaves and singed branches. 

In the right hand corner of the image, downed powerlines are strewn across the ground. 

Georgina Laud takes over live reporting from Vickiie Oliphant

Hawaii volcano: Kilauea lava crashes into ocean in shock video

11.38am update: Residents should watch out for lahars or pyroclastic flows - as seen in Fuego volcano in Guatemala

Dr Sarah Brown, senior research associate in volcanology at the University of Bristol School of Earth Sciences, told Express.co.uk of the biggest concerns after a volcanic eruption.

She warned that lahars and pyroclastic flows are the biggest killers in any volcano eruption, and are responsible for about 120,000 deaths in the last 500 or so years.

And she added pyroclastic flows, as seen at Fuego, can rapidly descend the slopes - meaning they are essentially deadly avalanches of very hot up to 700C rock, ash and gas.

Dr Brown warned their speed makes escape difficult as they arrive without warning and they can also move up slopes.

10.20am update: More buildings destroyed as latest fissure erupts

A growing river of molten rock flowing from a fissure at the foot of Kilauea Volcano is believed to have demolished scores of additional homes and filled in a small bay at the eastern tip of Hawaii's Big Island, civil defense officials said on Tuesday.

The latest estimates - up to 80 more structures than previously counted as destroyed by lava smothering two newly evacuated subdivisions - could bring the total number of homes and other buildings lost over the past month to nearly 200.

Such a tally would put property losses from the current upheaval of Kilauea, which entered its 34th day on Tuesday, on par with the 215 structures destroyed by lava during all 35 years of the volcano's last eruption cycle, which began in 1983.

Vickiie Oliphant takes over live reporting from Joseph Carey 

5.20am: Lava has completely filled the area of Kapoho Bay

Lava from the volatile volcano has filled the area of Kapoho Bay and inundated most of Vacationland and covered most of Kapoho Beach Lots, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

3.50am: NASA releases incredible satellite image of Hawaii’s volcano

The space body took an image from its Operational Land Imager on the Landsat 8 satellite that displayed the horrifying lava flows from Mount Kilauea.

2.00am: Threats continue in Hawaii as Kilauea ravages the Big Island

Jessica Ferracane, a spokeswoman for Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, insisted earthquakes cannot be predicted, adding to the stream of fears on the island.

She said: "Unlike lava, which you can see coming and avoid, we cannot see or predict earthquakes, nor can we foresee a summit explosion, but both threats continue."

12.41am: The number of houses destroyed in Hawaii skyrockets since Friday

The number of homes destroyed on the Big Island stands at over 159 homes, this is 72 more than was reported on Friday.

This makes the recent weekend the most devastating period since Kilauea began heaping chaos on the US state on May 3.

12.15am: Hawaii’s mayor has home destroyed as Kilauea continues its rampage

A home owned by Harry Kim was engulfed by red hot lava yesterday in addition to over 159 others on the Big Island.

Joseph Carey takes over live reporting from Georgina Laud

Tuesday, May 5

10.15pm update: Why are there so many earthquakes close to the summit?

Deflation of the crater that holds magma decreases in align with the increasing lava pool in the East Rift Zone.

This deflation has caused subsidence of up to 1.5 metres causing stress on faults around the crater.

The stress as lava drains has resulted in magnitude 3 or higher earthquakes, as well as numerous smaller quakes.

The USGS say: “We expect earthquake production to continue as long as the summit continues to deflate, but the rate and magnitude of earthquakes will vary in response to explosions.”

Map detailing the extent of lava flow

The USGS map details the extent and direction of the flow from fissure 8 (Image: USGS)

8.30pm update: Wildlife is under threat from the ever-reaching lava flow.

Forest managers at the Malama Ki Forest Reserve have reported that up to half of the forest’s 1,514 acres have been “impacted” by the eruptions.

The forest is home to sub-populations of native birds such as Hawaiian Honeycreepers, Hawai’i ‘amakihi and ‘apapane.

Forestry official Steve Bergfield warned that the loss of habitat due to the lava flow and defoliation could mean "sub-populations of wildlife may no longer persist, rapidly decline or become further fragmented and/or contract in range.”

7.45pm update: Map shows extent of lava flow over eastern coast of Big Island

The USGS have released a map detailing the extent and direction of lava flow towards the eastern coast. 

Flowing from fissure 8, the lake of lava has gone through part of Leilani Estates, Vacationland and Kapoho, before entering the ocean in Kapoho Bay.

The flow also appears to be heading towards WaaWaa, creating potential isolation for anyone not yet evacuated.

As fissure 8 remains highly active, the spread of lava could extend further throughout the island.

5.32pm update: A large laze plume has risen from the ocean 

Hawaii Civil Defense have issued a warning to residents close to the Kapoho Bay area, due to the continuing flow of lava into the ocean.

A large laze plume has risen from the lava ocean entry site, and lava continues to flow at a steady rate from fissure 8.

Residents have been warned to stay away from any ocean plume, with the HCD warning: "laze plume travels with the wind and can change direction without warning".

Those in areas close to lava flow have also been told to be prepared to evacuate at a moments notice.

Darryl Sumiki watches as lava lights up the sky

Hawaii volcano: Darryl Sumiki watches as lava lights up the sky (Image: REUTERS)

4.15pm update: Kilauea’s aviation colour code remains red

According to the USGS Kilauea has an aviation colour code of red, meaning that an eruption is imminent/ ongoing with significant ash-plumes at risk of/being released into the atmosphere.

Fissure 8 continues to spew molten lava into the air, adding to a lake pooling towards Kapoho Bay, cumulating in an ocean entry.

Lava meeting with the ocean has its own risks, causing dangerous laze to form in plumes.

Laze is a combination of hydrochloric acid, fine glass particles, and steam, which when blown inland can cause dangerous health concerns for nearby residents.

Deadly laze can cause eye and skin irritation, as well as lung damage and in some cases can result in death.

4:00pm: Georgina Laud takes over reporting from Vickiie Oliphant 

12.33pm update: Almost 10,000 earthquakes hit Big Island

Between May 4 and June 4, there have been almost 10,000 earthquakes surrounding the Kilauea volcano, according to the US Geological Survey.

Big Island is well used to being struck by quakes but activity in the last 30 days has far outpaced its historical monthly average of 1,000.

The biggest was a 6.9-magnitude earthquake which struck Hawaii on May 4.

10.25am update: Amazing images shows lava light up the sky with a brilliant burnt orange colour

Amazing photos show as the molten lava illuminates the sky above Leilani Estates during ongoing eruptions of the Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii.

The stunning pictures show the skies glowing a dusky orange colour as lava fountains spurt beneath the open air.

One shows as soldiers of the Hawaii National Guard measure sulfur dioxide gas levels near a lava flow, with a stunning dusky pink sky.

Another shows Darryl Sumiki, 52, of Hilo, watching as lava lights up the sky above Pahoa during ongoing eruptions.

Hawaii volcano update

Hawaii volcano update: Kilauea contines to erupt for a 34th day (Image: AFP - REUTERS)

9.49am update: Earthquakes continue to shake Big Island

Earthquakes are still rattling the summit of Kilauea after a magnitude 5.5 quake rocked the area Sunday, according to Hawaii County Civil Defense officials.

The huge quake on Sunday sent an ash plume 8,000 feet into the sky but did not cause a tsunami threat, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

There were 500 quakes in the summit area of Kilauea in a 24-hour period, the highest rate ever measured at the summit area, according to Brian Shiro, supervisory geophysicist at the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

Those earthquakes have continued near the summit, according to Jim Kauahikaua, a geophysicist with the US Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

He added temblors are nearly continuous at the summit and that gas emissions remain "very high."

9.40am update: Latest damage on Hawaii's Big Island after Kilauea eruption

On Monday, the civil defence agency reported a total of 117 homes and other structures destroyed across the island's larger lava-stricken region.

About three dozen of those structures, mostly private homes and vacation rentals, were lost during the weekend in Kapoho.

The rest were consumed weeks earlier in the larger Leilani Estates subdivision where lava-spouting fissures in the ground first opened on May 3.

About 2,000 residents have been displaced from Leilani since earlier this month as fountains of lava and high concentrations of toxic sulfur dioxide gas continued unabated. A mandatory evacuation of much the subdivision was imposed last week.

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