‘We could end the war!' Trump and Kim Jong-un could sign Korean War peace treaty

DONALD Trump's upcoming meeting with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un could see the two leaders end the Korean War, according to the US President.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Trump: Kim Jong-un will be invited to US if summit goes well

Mr Trump opened to the possibility of signing an agreement that could officially put an end to the Korean War which began in 1950. An armistice was agreed in 1953 but a peace treaty has never been signed meaning North Korea and South Korea, who were backed by the US, remain technically at war.

The US and North Korea are due to hold a landmark summit on Tuesday in Singapore.

Speaking during a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Trump said: "Well it could be, we could sign an agreement, as you know that would be a first step.

“But yes, we're looking at it, we're talking about it with a lot of other people.” 

Well it could be, we could sign an agreement, as you know that would be a first step

Donald Trump

Trump said a peace treaty “probably be the easy part, the hard part remains after that.”

Despite speaking of the summit in a very optimistic tone, Trump acknowledged the Western world is still “very far away” from normalising relations with North Korea.

North Korea recently started opening up to the world, with leader Kim holding a series of historical state visits in South Korea and China earlier this year, and he has met US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo twice.

But much still needs to be done, according to the US President, who added: “We would like to see normalisation, yes.” 

donald trump kim jong un meeting korean war peace

Donald Trump opened to the possibility of signing a peace treaty with NKorea to end the Korean War (Image: GETTY)

The meeting with Abe at the White House represents a last-minute attempt to ask Mr Trump to raise issues concerning the relations between Japan and North Korea during the historic meeting, to be held in Singapore on June 12.

Abe pushed for Trump to speak to Kim about the Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea between 1970s and 1980s.

So far, the hermit country has admitted to 13 kidnappings, but Tokyo believes the figures to be much higher than that.

During the joint press conference, Trump said that Abe “talked about the abduction issue passionately”, convincing him to discuss it at the summit. 

donald trump kim jong un meeting korean war peace treaty

Mr Trump and Japan's PM Shinzo Abe met today at the White House (Image: GETTY)

Prior to departing for the US, Abe said he would "meet President Trump to co-ordinate in order to advance progress on the nuclear issue, missiles and - most importantly - the abductees issue".

Trump had already discussed talks with Kim ahead of the joint press conference with Abe.

Saying that preparation was not essential for his meeting with the North Korean leader, he added: "I think I'm very well prepared.

"I don't think I have to prepare very much.

“It's about attitude, it's about willingness to get things done." 

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