Hawaii volcano update: Concerns over air quality as toxic gas emissions nearly double

VOLCANIC gas emissions across Big Island have nearly doubled over the last two weeks, causing concern for residents. Ash fallout continues as violent explosions shake the summit of Kilauea.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Laze rising into the air from the ocean

Huge plumes of white laze are entering the atmosphere from the ocean (Image: USGS)

The Lower East Rift Zone continues to have high readings for volcanic gas emissions authorities warn.

Fissure 8 is by far the most explosive of Kilauea’s almost two dozen fissures, spewing lava across the island and into the ocean.

The United States Geological Society have found gas emissions from explosive Fissure 8 have almost doubled in two weeks.

As explosions continue to rock the summit, ash fall can spread volcanic gases further with plumes of ash rising with each earthquake.

There have been two earthquakes in the early hours of this morning local time, the largest of which occurred at 4:45am (3:45pm BST) measuring a magnitude of 5.4.

There is no risk of tsunami following this earthquake according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.

Lava continues to channel from Fissure 8 northwards towards the ocean, decimating residential areas in its wake.

Gases from the explosive fissure form vog, a smog containing volcanic gases and debris.

Lava flowing through Kapoho Bay

Gases are rising from fissures along the island (Image: USGS)

The primary gas within vog is sulphur dioxide, which when breathed in can cause severe physical ailments.

SO2 irritates skin on contact, and can inflame the tissues in the eyes, nose and throat.

As well as this it can cause respiratory problems, and can “at elevated levels, can induce symptoms of asthma” according to the USGS.

Wind could blow vog from the summit and fissure 8 towards populated areas, with officials warning residents to limit outdoor activities and remain indoors, especially those with pre-existing respiratory issues.

Vog is not the only contributor to poor air quality on Big Island, with toxic laze blowing inland from the ocean.

Laze occurs when hot magma meets the cool ocean, and consists of hydrochloric acid mist, fine gas particles and steam.

USGS said it forms “through a series of chemical reactions as hot lava boils seawater to dryness”.

Laze can in some cases cause severe lung damage, and residents are urged to stay away from the rising laze plumes.

White plumes rising from fissure 8

Both laze and vog can have serious health complications (Image: REUTERS)

The USGS said: “Very minor spillovers are occurring at multiple places along the channel but have uniformly been short lived and are not threatening areas that were not previously covered by lava.

“Gas emissions from the fissure eruption continue to be very high.

“The late afternoon overflight noted a vigorous plume rising from the ocean entry with minor steam explosions at the leading edge.”

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