Hawaii volcano update: Big Island rocked by earthquakes - is Kilauea still erupting?

HAWAII’S Big Island continues to be rocked by seismic activity, with hundreds of earthquakes rocking the region around Mount Kilauea daily. But is the volcano still erupting?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

INCREDIBLE Kilauea volcano lava streams entering ocean

Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano has again been shaken with a magnitude 5.4 earthquake today, causing ash fall which could blow towards residential areas.

According to the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, there have been 475 eruptions measured in the past 24 hours.

These mainly centre around the summit of Kilauea, where earthquakes are causing a crater within the summit to collapse.

The Halema`uma`u crater’s rim and walls are slumping inwards and continue to collapse as subsidence at the summit persists.

This collapse has caused the crater to nearly double in size within the last month.

The United States Geological Survey said: “Magma in the summit magma chamber has drained over the past month due to the Lower East Rift Zone eruption, causing much of the floor and rim of Halema’uma’u to drop or collapse.

“These changes have resulted in a much deeper crater, with rubble covering the floor.”

Now reaching below the previous crater floor, the deepest part of the crater is now 280m.

Fissure 8 spewing lava

Fissure 8 is feeding a lava channel which is travelling into the ocean at Kapoho Bay (Image: USGS)

Kilauea erupting lava

Lava is continuing to flow from fissure 8, releasing an estimated 100 cubic metres per second (Image: USGS)

Is Kilauea still erupting?

Big Island’s most explosive fissure, Fissure 8, continues to spew lava into the air, with fountains reaching 130 feet.

This lava is flowing north and then eastward towards Vacationland and Kapoho Bay, entering the ocean at the latter.

The USGS has also reported weak lava activity coming from fissures 16 and 18.

Map of lava flow

The USGS have created a diagram to show how far lava is spreading (Image: USGS)

The amount of lava flowing from fissure 8 has been approximated by the USGS to be around 100 cubic metres per second.

This according to the USGS is equivalent to “26,000 US gallons flowing by per second” or “12 commercial dump trucks driving by per second”.

However, the USGS declare this figure to be “probably low”, meaning the fissure could have produced more lava than 100 cubic metres.

What are the dangers from Kilauea’s continued eruption?

Hawaii volcano: Footage reveals the impact of Kilauea's lava

The flow of lava into the ocean is causing a toxic plume known as laze to enter the atmosphere.

Laze is a deadly combination of hydrochloric acid mist, fine glass particles, and steam which occurs when molten lava meets cool seawater.

Residents have been warned to limit outdoor activity as according to Hawaii Civil Defense: “the laze plume travels with the wind and can change direction without warning.”

There is also increased levels of volcanic smog, known as vog which consists of sulphur dioxide, ash, and debris and is created when gases from an erupting volcano meet oxygen and moisture in the air.

Plumes of laze rising from the ocean entry

Where lava meets the ocean huge plumes of toxic laze are entering the atmosphere. (Image: USGS)

Both vog and laze can cause eye, nose and throat irritation, as well as lung damage if breathed in.

The USGS warns: “Volcanic gas emissions remain very high from Fissure 8 eruptions.

“Gas emissions have increased over the past two weeks.

“Trade wind conditions are expected to bring vog to the south and west sides of the Island of Hawaii.”

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