Hawaii volcano update: Clouds of TOXIC gas blow inland from ocean entry

BIG Island continues to be plagued by earthquakes and volcanic activity as Kilauea’s eruption continues into its seventh week. Scientists are monitoring activity with GPS devices placed at the volcano’s summit.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Kilauea: Drone footage shows drop in volcano's crater

Lava flows from explosive Fissure 8 are showing no sign of slowing down, with the United States Geological Survey measuring magma fountain heights of 100-130 feet throughout yesterday.

Earthquakes continue to shake the summit, with 453 recorded in 24 hours according to the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

One of these eruptions occurred at 3:42am local time (4.42pm BST) and caused a plume of ash and gas to rise 6,000 feet into the air.

These earthquakes are leading to the collapse of the Halema`uma`u crater within the summit of Kilauea.

Laze plume rising from ocean entry

A large laze plume is rising from the ocean at Kapoho Bay (Image: USGS)

The USGS said: “Inward slumping of the rim and walls of Halema`uma`u continues in response to ongoing subsidence at the summit.”

Scientists have measured the crater and found it to be around 1.8km (1.1 miles) wide, making it almost “twice as large as it was before explosions began on May 17, 2018” according to the USGS.

GPS devices are helping scientist to locate lava underneath the volcano, as well as measuring the ongoing subsidence at the summit.

Whilst areas of Leilani Estates through to Kapoho Bay and Vacationland remain evacuated, danger to the remaining residents comes from the volcanic gases being produced throughout Big Island.

Volcanic gases rising from fissure 8

Large volumes of volcanic gas are rising from fissure 8 (Image: EPA)

Gases and a type of lava known as Pele’s hair are being produced in large quantities from Fissure 8.

Pele’s hair comes in the form of long strands or volcanic glass fibres which are created through the stretching of molten basaltic glass.

The USGS warns residents not to get too close to the fissure, in order to limit exposure to volcanic emissions.

Pele's hair and other lightweight volcanic glass fragments from the lava fountain at fissure 8 continue to fall downwind of the fissure, with accumulation on the ground mostly within a few hundred meters (yards).

Hawaii volcano: Footage reveals the impact of Kilauea's lava

“High winds may waft lighter particles to greater distances. Residents are urged to minimize exposure to these volcanic particles, which can cause skin and eye irritation similar to volcanic ash.”

A toxic plume is being blown inland from the ocean entry, with the USGS reporting: “Lava spreading northeast from the fissure flowed through the well-established channel to the ocean at Kapoho, with rare small overflows of the channel levees.”

“A laze plume at the ocean entry was blown onshore this afternoon, and areas of upwelling offshore were present throughout the day.”

Laze consists of hydrochloric acid mist, fine glass shards, and steam, rising from the ocean when molten lava meets cool seawater.

Fissure 8 continues to feed a channel into the ocean, entering the sea at Kapoho Bay and Vacationland.

Hawaii Civil Defense has warned residents that weather conditions mean laze and volcanic smog (vog) will last on the island for a while: “The National Weather Service reports light winds will bring vog inland and to the south, wrapping around to the Kona area.

“The heavy vog conditions are expected to remain this way until the early part of next week.”

Volcanic gases can cause eye, nose and throat irritation, as well as lung problems when inhaled.

For those with existing respiratory conditions, the increased levels of gas can cause illnesses to be exacerbated.

The Department of Health recommends: “limiting outside activities and staying indoors if you have breathing issues.”

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