Guatemala volcano eruption update: Will the earthquake spark another eruption?

GUATEMALA has faced devastation over recent weeks, with Volcan De Fuego erupting explosively at the beginning of June. An earthquake has now shaken the country, but could it spark another eruption?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Workers amongst rubble in Fuego

Volcan de Fuego has left devastation in its wake, with volcanic mud covering residential areas (Image: GETTY)

On Sunday June 17 a magnitude 5.6 earthquake rocked Guatemala according to the United States Geological Survey.

It struck in the Central American country at 10.32pm local time on Sunday (3.32am BST on Monday).

The epicentre of the quake was less than 18.7km from Escuintla, near the Pacific Coast in an area that had been worst hit from the initial eruption.

This is just two weeks since Guatemala’s Volcan de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) erupted explosively, raining down ash on residential areas.

The total death toll stands at 110, with many more still missing.

The area is at Fuego’s base and had suffered the most deaths and injuries after being bombarded with a mixture of hot ash, lava and debris.

Fuego’s eruption was so devastating as it released pyroclastic flow, a mixture of ash, gas and lava that flows at speeds of up to 450 miles per hour.

This flow covers everything in its path, cooling to form a dense volcanic mud.

GUATEMALA: Deadly ash shoots from Fuego volcano

Almost 200 people remain missing, however search efforts have been stopped according to a statement from disaster agency CONRED.

“The search efforts are permanently suspended in the towns San Miguel Los Lotes and El Rodeo in the Escuintla municipality ... the zone is uninhabitable and high risk,” CONRED said on Sunday.

The dense volcanic mud has caused instability for rescuers, with rain or earthquakes able to cause landslides down the slopes of the volcano.

Will the earthquake cause another eruption?

The magnitude 5.6 earthquake at a depth of 100 km has caused no damage say officials, as despite intense shaking "all is calm,”.

Fuego volcano

Fuego spewed pyroclastic flow which has covered everything in its path (Image: GETTY)

As lava inside the volcano shifts, residents may feel more earthquakes and perhaps aftershocks following the most recent quake.

Fuego continues to erupt, belching ash clouds up to 4,700 miles above sea level four or five times a day.

However, these explosions are minor, compared to the devastating initial eruption.

The eruption on June 3 was the largest in four decades, and almost 2,800 people remain in shelters after losing their homes.

Guatemala sits on a major fault zone called Motagua and Chixoy-Polochic fault complex.

This cuts through Guatemala and forms the tectonic boundary of the Caribbean plate and North American plate.

Earthquakes often occur in Guatemala due to the major fault zone, with boundaries between tectonic plates interacting, causing the seismic activity.

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