German voters fear Angela Merkel is LOSING influence over Europe, shock poll reveals

GERMANY appears to be losing faith in Angela Merkel as three-quarters of voters don’t believe she will be able to secure a European solution to the immigration row sparked last week, a survey showed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Horst Seehofer rejects Merkel's refugee mantra

A staggering number of German citizens no longer believe in the negotiating power of their Chancellor, according to the result of a survey taken by pollster Civey for newspaper Die Welt.

Some 74.7 percent said they were sceptical about Mrs Merkel's chances of convincing EU state members to agree on a revised immigration policy.

Only 18.1 percent of those polled believed Merkel would conduct successful negotiations.

The survey of 5,038 people follows the dispute which has arisen between Bavaria's Christian Social Union (CSU) leader Horst Seehofer and Mrs Merkel, who leads the sister party and government coalition partner Christian Democratic Union (CDU) over immigration.

Germany’s interior minister Mr Seehofer, who has always been a a stark critic of Mrs Merkel open-border policy, has demanded to give police officers the power to turn away migrants already registered in other EU states at the border. 

Current German laws allow for migrants to be back to the first EU member state they entered – but only after they have already entered the country’s territory, as decisions over them can be taken only after migrants have applied for the status of asylum-seeker.

But Mrs Merkel has opposed to such change, saying Germany would follow EU immigration rules.

In turn, her minister threatened to walk away from the coalition, a move that would see the Chancellor losing her majority in parliament.

On Monday she was granted time to discuss with other state members at the upcoming June 28-29 EU summit a possible change in the laws regulating immigration.

While the public appears not to support the Chancellor, the CSU believe she can succeed in her task. 

angela merkel news germany crisis immigration row Horst Seehofer poll eu summit

Germany is losing faith in Angela Merkel, a poll suggested (Image: GETTY)

Bavaria's CSU Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann told German broadcaster Deutschlandfunk he was optimistic that Mrs Merkel would secure bilateral agreements with other EU countries about returning migrants.

But didn’t fail to remind her that the interior ministry will be ready to implement Mr Seehofer’s proposal as early as in the first week of July should she fail in her attempt.

He said: “This is necessary. We can no longer look on as this refugee tourism across Europe happens.”

He also highlighted that rejecting from July 1 migrants who have already registered in other EU countries would be legal.

He said: "It's the existing law." 

appears to be losing faith in Angela Merkel

Horst Seehofer challenged Angela Merkel on her open border policy last week (Image: GETTY)

Volker Kauder, head of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, warned Germany against taking unilateral action on refugee policy, telling broadcaster ZDF: "I believe that in the end we can only solve the problem with our European neighbours and not by going it alone."

Among the countries close to the Germany’s border interested in tightening security there is Austria.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is likely to meet Merkel and other European leaders this week to discuss about immigration, he said on Wednesday.

In the run up to a meeting with ministers from he German state of Bavaria, represented by Mr Seehofer’s CSU, he said: “There will probably be a meeting this week between Angela Merkel, me and other heads of state and government on the issue of migration policy.” 

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