Salvini THREATENS EU to RENEGOTIATE financial commitments unless immigration rules change

ITALY’S new far-right interior minister Matteo Salvini is threatening to pull funds from the EU unless the EU listens to Rome’s demands to increase the protection of its borders.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Matteo Salvini calls for France to apologise during migration row

In a thinly-veiled attack on Germany and Angela Merkel’s desire to renegotiate rules concerning the movement of immigrants already in Europe, Mr Salvini issued an ultimatum to the EU.

He said: “The aim is to protect the external border, not to share the problem among European countries but to solve the problem at the source.

“If anyone in the EU thinks Italy should keep being a landing point and refugee camp, they have misunderstood.

“We trust in the good sense of our European colleagues, in part because we don’t want to have to renegotiate Italian financing to the European Union.” 

If anyone in the EU thinks Italy should keep being a landing point and refugee camp, they have misunderstood

Matteo Salvini

The anti-immigration minister said other countries in the bloc share Italy’s concern and are ready to back Rome.

Following a meeting with his Austrian counterpart, Herbet Kickl, and the Austria vice-chancellor, Heinz Christian Strache, he said: “The air in Europe is changing and we are optimistic.”

Mr Salvini also revealed to be “extremely confident” about Austria taking over the Presidency of the Council of the EU on July 1.

The leaders of the two countries share the same view on immigration and had both previously called for a change in the EU policy concerning the arrivals of people to the bloc’s external borders. 

european union news italy matteo salvini threat eu

Salvini attacked the EU demanding the bloc to renegotiate its immigration policy (Image: GETTY)

european union news italy matteo salvini threat eu

Salvini said to be 'extremely confident' about Austria taking over the EU Council's presidency (Image: GETTY)

And last week Austria’s President Sebastian Kurz called for an “axis of the willing” between Germany, Italy and his country to tackle illegal immigration and secure Europe’s borders.

Mr Salvini’s threat to the EU follows his scathing attack against non-governmental organisations (NGO) which, he said, were responsible for the 800 people who have died so far this year in the Mediterranean while trying to reach Europe.

And the attacks of the interior minister also hit France and Germany, which were accused by Mr Salvini of having already decided the outcome of the upcoming mini summit on immigration taking place on Sunday ahead of the EU28 meeting on June 28-29. 

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