Nursing home patient mauled by mice

A pack of mice have mauled a bedridden 89-year-old man at an Australian nursing home, shredding parts of his ears.

A pack of mice mauled a man in an Australian nursing home

An inquiry is being held into what the government-run nursing home in Queensland state was doing to protect residents.

Ray Hopper, a state opposition politician who was alerted to the mauling by the man's family, said the resident was found covered in blood by nursing staff on Saturday.

"An elderly, bedridden gentleman had the tops of his ears severely chewed, his head badly bitten and a very bad wound in the throat," Mr Hopper said. "His hands were covered in blood when they found him; he'd obviously been so distressed trying to get the mice away."

Mr Hopper accused health officials of being slow to respond to an out-of-control mouse infestation at Dalby Hospital, where Karingal Nursing Home is located.

"It is the most disgusting, horrific thing," he said. "There wasn't a wall of mice suddenly hitting the place - this has been building up for three weeks. They had plenty of time to act."

Pam Lane, a Queensland state government health officer, confirmed that two residents had been treated for mouse bites at the home and called the attacks "unfortunate."

"We are doing everything we can to rid the mice from the facility," she said in a statement.

The Queensland health department said the hospital had added extra staff and instituted an "extensive baiting and trapping programme." Traps were being emptied hourly and cleaning crews were wiping up mouse droppings at the 80-bed facility in Dalby, about 120 miles west of the state capital, Brisbane.

The health department blamed the incident on the mouse plague spreading across the region. The creatures were infiltrating buildings as they sought refuge from the chill of Australia's autumn weather, it said.

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