Mexico election polls 2018: Latest poll tracker shows AMLO set to win HUGE victory

MEXICO are set to vote on Sunday on who will become president. Latest poll trackers show former Mexico City Mayor AMLO will win by a landslide.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Andre Manuel Lopez Abrader or AMLO

Andre Manuel Lopez Abrader or AMLO is leading the polls for the Mexican election (Image: GETTY)

AMLO or Andres Manuel Lopez Abrader is former Mexico City mayor and is currently campaigning for a third time for the presidency.

Running for the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), AMLO has allied his party with the Labour Party and the Social Encounter Party.

There are three candidates to challenge AMLO’s third run for president, Ricardo Anaya of the National Action Party, Jose Antonio Meade of the Institutional Revolutionary Party and Jamie “El Bronco” Rodriguez, who is running independently.

Mr Rodriguez is the first person to be independent and qualify for a governorship, which he did in 2015.

A second independent candidate also began running for president, however, dropped out of the race on May 16.

The National Action Party have formed an alliance with the Party of Democratic Revolution and the Citizen’s Movement.

Mr Meade’s Institutional Revolutionary Party are allied with the New Alliance Party and the Ecologist Green Party.

Currently, polls are predicting AMLO to win, having a majority of between 51-54 percent and a lead of more than 20 percent.

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This is a significant increase in popularity since January when AMLO sat with 38 percent of the vote.

Mr Meade possesses 22 percent of the vote currently, with Mr Anaya close behind on 21 percent.

El Bronco brings up the rear with only 3 percent of the vote in recent polls.

The elections have been wracked with controversy, following the theft of thousands of ballot papers on two separate occasions.

The state of Tabasco saw more than 11,000 ballot papers stolen on Monday when a truck blocked the journey of National Electoral Institute staff.

Armed civilians are reported to have stolen the papers after ransacking the vehicle.

According to local media, the state of Oaxaca saw more than 8,000 ballot papers stolen and burned.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto is unable to run for re-election and has been criticised for not tackling widespread issues in Mexico.

President Enrique Pena Nieto

Current President Nieto has been accused of failing to tackle key issues whilst in power (Image: GETTY)

Security, corruption and Mexico’s relationship with a Trump led America are key talking points in this election.

Pena Neto has held the presidency for six years and has seen political scandals, slow economic growth and failures to tackle key issues.

Candidates have faced accusations of not giving firm plans on tacking the growing violence in the country.

Violence has plagued the election, with more than 100 politicians killed since September and more than 20,000 people murdered in Mexico since 2018 began.

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