'We will TEAR DOWN the Brussels wall’ EU panic as eurosceptic Lega SOARS in Italy polls

THE European Union has been dealt a crushing blow as Matteo Salvini warned Italy is ready to “ignore” the bloc’s regulations and “tear down the Brussels wall”, as support to his party soared in the polls.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Salvini: MEP says Italian deputy PM wants to 'dismantle' EU

Italy's Deputy Prime Minister Mr Salvini attacked the EU yesterday during the annual gathering of his party.

Speaking about the one-month old government’s priorities for the country, he said: “We will try to comply to European regulations, but we are ready to ignore them for the good of Italians.

“If to see our people become wealthier I will have to ignore numbers imposed by Brussels, to me those numbers will be worth less than zero.

“It was once deemed impossible to bring down the Berlin Wall.

“The next wall we will tear down will be the one of Brussels.” 

It was once deemed impossible to bring down the Berlin Wall. The next wall we will tear down will be the one of Brussels

Matteo Salvini

Mr Salvini, who is also Italy's interior minister, defended the new, aggressive attitude Rome adopted towards the EU at last week’s summit.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte threatened to derail the summit as he vetoed talks on how the EU will tackle the migrant crisis in a nine hour stalemate.

Arguing in previous years Italy’s demand had been ignored, he said: "After years of talking, some facts.

“We are discussing an Italian proposal, while until yesterday our role was to say yes to those of others. This seems a result to me.

“Merkel and Tusk are now saying that Italy has been abandoned and that we must concentrate on blocking European borders." 

eu news matteo salvini lega italy latest poll immigration policy

Matteo Salvini attacked the EU saying he will 'tear down the Brussels wall' (Image: GETTY)

Since his appointment as interior minister on June 1, Mr Salvini has been fighting illegal immigration with methods, including the closure of Italian harbours to NGOs’ boats, harshly criticised by some EU politicians such as French President Emmanuel Macron.

Mr Salvini said his next step will be to “sanction the protection of EU's external borders and to stop arrivals, using men and means on the African continent.”

He added: “We have to spend money in Africa and create development over there.

“France talks, but it destroys Africa, and the war in Libya, unleashed by Paris for its own interests, is just the most striking example.”

According to a poll published on Monday by research institute Ipsos, Mr Salvini’s policies are appreciated by the Italian electorate. 

eu news matteo salvini lega italy latest poll immigration policy

Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio signed a joint coalition deal in May (Image: GETTY)

The findings show Lega has gained voters coming from all the parties but the centre left-wing Democratic Party and has even overtaken its government ally Five Star Movement (M5S), effectively becoming the country’s first party.

The poll, which analysed the voting preferences of 4,000 people between June 1-21, showed Lega has halved the electorate of far-right wing party Brothers of Italy and overcome M5S, now the second force in the country failing to attract new voters.

Should Italians go to the polls today, 31 percent would choose Mr Salvini’s party while 29.8 percent would vote for his government ally, Luigi Di Maio and the M5S.

The findings reveal a constant growth of the number of Lega’s supporters since the March 4 election, where the party gathered 17.4 percent. 

eu news matteo salvini lega italy latest poll immigration policy

Matteo Salvini's Lega is Italy's first party, according to latest polls (Image: GETTY)

And it showed a loss of M5s, which in March gained 32.7 percent of votes and failed to attract new supporters from other parties.

When asked to comment on the Ipsos findings, Mr Salvini said: "I do not believe in polls.

“Everything else is a reward for common sense and consistency over these years.

“We are committed to doing normal things about work, taxes and safety, this has rewarded and will reward us because we will do them”.

(Additional reporting by Maria Ortega) 

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