North Korea nuclear war BLUFF: Kim STILL developing nuclear site despite Trump vow

NORTH Korea’s activities at its nuclear facilities are continuing in full force despite the denuclearisation pledge made by the country’s ruler Kim Jong-un, it has been revealed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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The stark warning was issued by more than a dozen US officials from the CIA as well as other top intelligence agencies.

They believe Pyongyang has actually increased its production of fuel for nuclear weapons at a number of its secret sites - despite Kim’s promises.

In their intelligence assessment, the officials also argue Kim is acting in secret to obtain as many concessions from the US administration as he can while clinging to his nuclear weapons, which he sees as essential to his country’s survival.

A US intelligence official said: “There are lots of things that we know that North Korea has tried to hide from us for a long time.” 

This worrying revelation comes just three weeks after the historic summit between US president Donald Trump and the hermit country’s leader, Kim, who on June 12 promised to "work toward" denuclearisation.

The country has since stopped missile and nuclear tests and president Donald Trump has claimed victory in the fight to denuclearise the state.

But one of the US official involved in the latest assessment said "there's no evidence that they are decreasing stockpiles, or that they have stopped their production.”

They added: "There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the U.S." 

north korea news nuclear site kim jong un donald trump us summit denuclearisation

North Korea's activities at its nuclear facilities are continuing despite Kim's pledge (Image: GETTY)

The officials’ assessment is the last of a series of warnings over North Korea’s deceptive activities. 

Commercial satellite imagery from research group 38North showed infrastructure upgrades at the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center, the country’s main nuclear site located north of Pyongyang.

The works include completed modifications to a plutonium production reactor’s cooling system, new small buildings and other support facilities.

And in an analysis released on June 21, 38North also published satellite imagery of the Sohae Satellite Launching Station showing no signs of dismantlement. 

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north korea news nuclear site kim jong un donald trump us summit denuclearisation

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un met for the first time on June 12 (Image: GETTY)

These reports lessen Mr Trump’s confidence North Korea will fully cooperate and stick to the agreement signed last month. 

At a June 21 cabinet meeting, the president said of the document that he co-signed with Kim on June 12: "If people actually read it to the public, you’d see: Number one statement, we will immediately begin total denuclearisation of North Korea." 

The June summit, which didn’t produce any specific deal, saw Kim promising a complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula in exchange for the cancellation of the US military’s training exercises in the area.

Following the meeting, Mr Trump said the world was “much safer” than last year. 

He wrote: “Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office.

“There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.

“Meeting with Kim Jong-un was an interesting and very positive experience.

“North Korea has great potential for the future!”

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